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Client-side event-listeners?

client-side event-listener

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I'm a programmer and I wanted to give a try at creating a script but based on image recognition.


I was wondering the answers to these following questions:


1) Are there any user input integrity checks coded client-side?


2) If not, what is sent to the server?

  • mouse locations every x ms?
  • mouse clicks locations and timestamps?
  • direct game data?

Basically I'm wondering if the client is sending EVERY key/mouse event or if it has event listeners client-side that trigger sending packets to the server.


3) What happens when you press a key in-game that is not registered in the settings? Are the settings of a given account stores locally or server-side? Can Riot know whether or not the key you pressed at any given time was or not linked with a game key?


I think that's it, ty! :D

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Unless you are an insider at Riot we wouldnt really know,  just like you scope out patterns for image recognition, riot probably does the same to determine human vs bot.  But if they have it, its not any good and you can always put in 'human-like functionality into your code.  The other day there was a yuumi AI bot playing in gold ranked

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