Just would like to know peoples opinions what scripts they use for adc best to climb
i use ggaio ez/twitch/kog/jhin sometimes vayne
Just would like to know peoples opinions what scripts they use for adc best to climb
i use ggaio ez/twitch/kog/jhin sometimes vayne
Vayne, Twitch, Kogmaw, Samira, Kaisa, Jinx and such. This thread has more suggestion if you wanna check: http://gamingonstero...ripts-tierlist/
Vayne, Twitch, Kogmaw, Samira, Kaisa, Jinx and such. This thread has more suggestion if you wanna check: http://gamingonstero...ripts-tierlist/
what about caityln
what about caityln
I don't like her.
I don't like her.
Rude. lol
Rude. lol
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