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Which champions/scripts have you been milking recently?

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Hey y'all, hope everyone is doing well :)


Personally I've been experimenting and trying out different champ/scripts and seeing what sticks. So far I've really enjoyed PussyAIO (Nidalee, Graves and Leona) and the GG Series (Jhin and Ezreal). Only downside is that I'm playing on a smurf, so I don't have access to all the champions yet. So I'm planning on trying out Talon and Kindred next as I've heard good things about em. 


Anywho, what's been working for everyone else recently?

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xerath - lazyxerath

Twitch - gg series 


there good 

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i cant seem to get lazyxerath r to work. Also which orbwalker do you use?

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