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API Bugs and Suggestions

Suggestion Bug

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Hey, Recently I've started learning a bit of lua to make my own scripts and im looking forward to release some. But I've encountered a couple of bugs / issues while doing so.

- First of all, is the Particles Detection broken? Once i try to pick them up GOS Crashes instantly.

- Is it possible to add custom Callbacks or is there a complete List for them?

- It would be pretty neat if we could send custom Key Inputs, wether its in the Chat or Ingame. (Or I am too stupid to figure i out lol?) [EDIT: It seems that the key Inputs do not work properly in Chat. At least if you input them fast enough they seem to go through the "restriction?" and type it. But even then it is a roughly 50% chance it will work. Would wish that stuff like that could get fixed. 


Would appreciate any help! Other than that the API is pretty decent and easy to work with (At least from someone coming from Java/Kotlin).


EDIT: Pls fix Hpbar for gods sake i cant even draw damage on hp bar wtf

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