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Please be careful to this telegram premium scammer

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His telegram id is @AlejandroMakedonskiy
original content : 
Telegram Premium

3 months - 5$.
6 months - 7$.
12 months - 12$.

Paymentaccept on BTC | ETH | USTD | PAYPAL

The subscription is issued by username, no data needs to be transferred!

Shopping contacts(Telegram):https://t.me/AlejandroMakedonskiy

from deleted post http://gamingonstero...legram-premium/


I have transfer funds through USDT and paypal, and then he blocked me instantly
Please be caution if you want to make deal with him
He had also ask me if I can transfer funds into his credit card so there is no fee required (for him).
His credit card is: 4441114400809669
Name on paypal: Bogdan Khmelnytskiy
Email of Paypal: khmelnibogdan@gmail.com
If you search this post via google, find data alike above and buying any service from him, 
I hope you think twice before you go

Edited by tgpscam, 08 September 2022 - 03:59 .

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