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My personal scripts Tierlist v2

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Hello folk, after many request i ll post my updated list, as before, this is my personal preferance, i climb this season to master 300lp playing mostly vayne and jinx. but u need to know, my rank without scripting is D4, dont expect to climb bronze to challenger just pressing space bar  Keepo


As utility i always run : Official-turretAwareness, Official-WardAwareness (u ll be able to see all  enemy pink ward placement ,kinda op), Official-Smitemanager (for jgl), BK-MinimapHack (can track some enemy champion in FoW for some reason), CDtracker, dnsActivator, GGorb, JustEvade(draw only and few skillshot)



As i said i play mostly adc in ranked but i play almost all champ in normal game so i ll try to give you imo the best champ for each lane, considering the meta of course! some script could be very good (hello vayne) but unplayable in curent meta.

Every script in the list should work fine, if u didnt see ur favorite champion in the list, script prbly didnt work properly or are trash in the meta atm.



Toplane(E)  clearly the worst lane to climb using script


S. Gnar(devx), Sejuani(simple, no r),Trynda(seriesv2), Gangplank(KillerAIO)

A. Morde(devx),Riven(WR), Ornn(simple no r),Yone(MOMZ)

B. Kayle(pussy), Yorick(simple),Akali(pussy), Teemo(nisses)



Jungle(A) I think one of the best lane to climb since smite manager work like charm and recent Dragon buff (12.14), i didnt try simple Udyr and Shyv but give it a try


S. Lee(devx, pls fix insect xd), Kindred(14aio), Udyr(simple)        

A. Kayn(pussy), Jarvan(simple), Trundle(simple), Belveth(simple), Karthus(KILLER)

B. Poppy(simple),  Amumu(nisses or sussy)



Midlane B. many mid champ do not ve(working) script sadly, zoe, azir, liss...


S. Arhi(pussy, disable r in combo), Cassio(pussy, disable r in combo), Yone(momz, R ****ed up sometime xd, use manual if possible),   Seraphine(pussy)          

A. Swain(devx), Syndra(devx), Viktor(impuls,can crash), Xerath(dnsMage,disable r in combo, use semi r with "T"), Corki(WR), Galio(simple, no r ?)

B. Yasuo(14yas), TF(WR or series, tf is anoying af but can carry with/againt some comp) , Akali(pussy), Leblanc(pussy, crash possible), Orianna(GG)



Adc(S) marksman always been very good with script


S. Kalista(pussy), Varus(GG), Nilah(simple, vs aa), Kaisa(pussy, disable r in combo), Seraphine(pussy)        

A. Samira(pussy), Ezreal(GG,disable r in combo, only KS), Jinx(pussy, disable r and e in combo, r only ks and e only on immobilized target), Karthus(KILLER), Twitch(GG), Syndra(devx)

B. Jhin(GG, semi R with T), Kogmaw(GG),Vayne(GG), Sivir(14aio)



Support(S+) imo the best roles to climb, but u need to know how to play supp (roam mid/top, help adc to farm under turret,  deep ward etc.. )


S. Amumu(nisses or sussy), with kalista), Ashe(pussy), Blitzcrank(GG) 

A. Lulu(pussy), Nautilus(sussy), Rakan(simple), Seraphine(pussy), Soraka(pussy)

BBrand(pussy or dns), Xerath(dnsmage), Renata(sussy), Morgana(GG), Thresh(pussy, disable q2)


I hope this list can help new member and more, HF  :wub:

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    You donut

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Thanks for the list! :=) 

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Props to this in-depth list. This has taken a lot of testing and trying before building it.

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PogChamp Awesome work and layout.
Good job, especially with the explanations and knowledge

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Thanks for the list! :=) 



Props to this in-depth list. This has taken a lot of testing and trying before building it.



PogChamp Awesome work and layout.
Good job, especially with the explanations and knowledge




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well done :) thank you for sharing 

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Hey, thank for the uptade the last one was getting old. I'm struggling to install official script i only have the 6 and 7. Where did you get them ?

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Hey, thank for the uptade the last one was getting old. I'm struggling to install official script i only have the 6 and 7. Where did you get them ?

Can click on "Sync official scripts" on the loader then restart the loader they will be installed automatically and I want to say that most of them cause fps drop on EXT overlay so do not use the ones that cause such issues.  

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impuls viktor kinda sucks lol when you press space itll force you to move forwards into enemies regardless if your mouse is positioned to walk back so it's impossible to kite with. 

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impuls viktor kinda sucks lol when you press space itll force you to move forwards into enemies regardless if your mouse is positioned to walk back so it's impossible to kite with. 


Really depends on the elo and how much you are using of the script, but you are a little right. The E usage is 10/10 but everything else is kinda not working too well for me either. Viktor has big potential but I dont like it either. Personal preferance.


I think its hard to code a Viktor with EXT maybe but I have no idea. 

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Where is the script for Zeri(Zgjfjfl)?  I checked his post history and have his AIO installed but nothing comes up.

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Where is the script for Zeri(Zgjfjfl)?  I checked his post history and have his AIO installed but nothing comes up.

There you go: https://raw.githubus...gjfjfl_Zeri.lua

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Thank you.  Idk why I didn't think to check his git.  I'm better than this :'(


To add the link didnt work so I went and found it. If anyone needs here's what worked for me - https://raw.githubus...gjfjfl_Zeri.lua

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Thank you.  Idk why I didn't think to check his git.  I'm better than this :'(

You're welcome and I wouldn't  blame myself if I were you because he didn't post it on forum since its an edited version of devx's zeri so he posted on github instead. :) 

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S Tier: Kogmaw ALL ROLES
There i fixed it for ya

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thnak you very much helped alot in the first post you made and now its clear thanks ! 

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what is the config for ezreal ? Mine cant launch  W lol 


Was master 100 lp in euw , want to try something else you were master 300lp in euw? 

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what is the config for ezreal ? Mine cant launch  W lol 


Was master 100 lp in euw , want to try something else you were master 300lp in euw? 

GGAIO works pretty fine, try only using GGorwalker.lua + GGAIO+ officialchampiontracker do NOT enable other scripts.

And make sure your lol keybinds are correct then the script will work 100%. 

Please do these steps to make sure everything is right.


If you changed EXT settings Re-install this to get stuff as default. (you shouldn't do change settings, leave them as default, there's no config in ext.)

Set your league keys 100% same as shown in this video:

It will work 100%. 

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Default. Install my files and do not touch settings, hold spacebar it will use combo Q,W,E,R etc.  if your keys are correct and if you enable ggorbwalker + ggaio, there is nothing confusing. If you still have any issues means you missed/ignored something, pay more attention but it is easy. Re-download my aio file, set your keys following that video, enable ggorbwalker + ggaio and hold spacebar to combo, this is literally it. Easy. 

It was because i didnt press space lol 

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pussy samira best, but thx

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