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Best mid Champ to script

Best Mid Camp

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Which Champs are the best to script at midlane?

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I personally play and prefer ADC but I find this thread very helpful, You can check it as well: http://gamingonstero...s-tierlist-v2/ 

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It appears that, because this is external, you're not going to find any good mage or midlaner scripts at all. Apparently, the only thing it's decent at is botlane ADC's that are primarly auto-attack based, namely vayne and jinx

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It appears that, because this is external, you're not going to find any good mage or midlaner scripts at all. Apparently, the only thing it's decent at is botlane ADC's that are primarly auto-attack based, namely vayne and jinx

yeah there are few ones as mage and top(eg Swain, Xerath, TF, Corki) and mostly ADCs are good. 

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i have tried most of the mid champs, but the issue with EXT is the delay or skillshot prediction is pretty bad.  unless you are really new to the game, so much easier to land your skill shot than using the combo feature.  But ward location, champtracking, orbwalk is priceless.  I do wish the KS/execute indicator is a default feature.  

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Which Champs are the best to script at midlane?

try seraphine 

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try seraphine 

which script ? also do you know any script that will auto ignite ?  that would be a game changer for mid-lane. 

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which script ? also do you know any script that will auto ignite ?  that would be a game changer for mid-lane. 

pussy seraphine, there is no good auto ignite sadly

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