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Climbing progress Fresh Unranked

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Hey all , i felt like sharing my progress by using GoS .

Some sort background, i was Master tier s4 and high diamond player until s7 without scripting then i quit LoL for good . Back to today, i started playing LoL again last year since i got life stuff sorted out and decided to use GoS in bought unranked accounts.

All of the unranked accounts are plat and this one that i use as my (main) recently hit Diamond.



If you want my opinion on how to climb is learn the game first and your role and then use the script to do the mechanics. 


The lanes i carried the hardest were mid/bot/support .

If you are a mid laner make sure you know when to take prio in lane and always have great vision on your drake and Herald early by buying lots of vision wards ( i was buying almost in every single B ). 

For Adc there is not much you can do about vision but you can have prio in lane for drakes and play a little bit more aggressive get the tower and rotate to mid. 


Support you make sure your river is warded and drake and generally you need to provide visions around objectives . If your adc has escapes or you land a kill bot you can then roam mid lane or counter jungle with your jungler. 






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    You donut

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Well done! 

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What champ or script did you used mainly?
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- Kog maw GG 

-Irelia Pussy/Ctrl

-Syndra Killer



-Jinx Pussy

-Kog GG

Xayah orbwalk only

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Yay my Syndra is being used :wub:

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    l o a d s e m o n e

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Yay my Syndra is being used :wub:

Your syndra is actually clean

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