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Jungle help

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hi so basically everygame my jungle is so bad ...


so i want to learn to learn to play jungler 


any tips what best strong champs can carry which scripts (junglers)

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Just youtube it, search for tips and tricks and guides for junglers on youtube, scripts cannot give you gameplay skills, they do only mechanical things auto not gamesense or gameplay, those are up to you and you can learn them from pro players or good streamers etc. 

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thanks been watching some youtube vids 


just everygame i am getting a jungler and top going 2-10...  and as adc i cant seem to carry those teams 

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Learn Jungle paths and ganking paths . Learn to predict where the enemy jungler is currently at and look to make a counter gank or another play on the opposite side of the map .

Heralds are better than first 2 drakes . 

Lanes on your team with more CC are easier to gank .


As you noticed nothing a script can do.

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If you can, try to go for steals - usually the script smites faster than players.


Try starting with Nunu/Rammus - both have good jungle clear and amazing gank potential.

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If you can, try to go for steals - usually the script smites faster than players.


Try starting with Nunu/Rammus - both have good jungle clear and amazing gank potential.

yeh smite works like a charm stole so many barons drakes ... i have never played nunu or rammus so i will have to learn


people telling me to play heca because he can 1v5

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    l o a d s e m o n e

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yeh smite works like a charm stole so many barons drakes ... i have never played nunu or rammus so i will have to learn


people telling me to play heca because he can 1v5

Hecarim, Kayn, Khazix, Rengar and shaco is my fav <3 learn them and you'll carry 1v9 all games :)

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Hecarim, Kayn, Khazix, Rengar and shaco is my fav <3 learn them and you'll carry 1v9 all games :)

i will after test them see if they got good working scripts  :P

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WELCOME I am a new user here. can you tell me the names of the most useful scripts to use as a jungler? 
currently i only use smite manager and bk maphack
which scripts will still provide me with gentle help?

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Hecarim, Kayn, Khazix, Rengar and shaco is my fav <3 learn them and you'll carry 1v9 all games :)

Is there any good shaco script?

I haven't seen any really good jungler scripts for awhile. You would think nidalee or Elise would be good using a script. But I haven't found any S tier JG script compare to adc or mages.
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Is there any good shaco script?

I haven't seen any really good jungler scripts for awhile. You would think nidalee or Elise would be good using a script. But I haven't found any S tier JG script compare to adc or mages.


try eve or noc or karthus with killeraio its very good 


no shaco script only sussy that uses e for him

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