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Full bot - What are the chances?


Best Answer Aristo , 03 July 2023 - 01:19

Hello this answered many times before and Heisa does not plan something like this. 

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HEY, I've been using GOS for so long now. And I gotta say, I'm loving it and really appreciate the amount of work and dedication!



But lately I started wondering, can GOS extend more with a whole bot? Like I'm talking about **** or one of the already open sourced trained bots. Or maybe even train your own play style and fully automate it.


I know that the whole ban wave was caused cuz of people running these bots, but I believe it's a matter of being undetected or not.


So I'm wondering, would that be possible with GOS? Or is it out of plan and mind.

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    You donut

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✓  Best Answer

Hello this answered many times before and Heisa does not plan something like this. 

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Hello this answered many times before and Heisa does not plan something like this. 

Oh my bad! Thanks for replying Aristo

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    You donut

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Oh my bad! Thanks for replying Aristo

No worries.

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