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Codi's Tierlist


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Hello ! 

This is my first post, and i will introduce you to the best champs for scripting in my opinion.

But first, I will introduce myself.

I have been using GoS for 2 years now.
I tried to script on all champions.
I'm french and sorry for my english.

I was Bronze before scripting, and now im Platinum.

My peak elo is Diamond's bo5 (and i lose it).

Atm im Platinum 1 | 23LP and here it's my last games ;



Enough talking about me ! Now let's go to the tierlist !  jew.png



Additional details :

S+ : Champs are "space to win". You can unplug the brain for the most of them.

S : Champs with single stuff that require a little thought.

A : Champs that require more thought. Less efficient scripts. Need some manual actions to be good.

B : Champs who require important decision's making. Faulty scripts.

C : Champs who don't lend themselves for the script. Poorly developed scripts.

D : Don't play these champs with scripts.


Shoot-out to Hightail ;

You made some champs win a few places  bow.gif 


Of course, thank to the developers who allow us to take full advantage of GoS.

Especially the ones I have in mind because I use their scripts every day (Devereux, Impuls, icebear, Hightail, zgjfjfl (NILAH  bow.gif ))


I look forward to your feedback, I look forward to debating and/or answering your questions !

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Thank you for the tier list!

I've seen some other people who post tier lists write what scripts work best with which champs, I suggest that might be a good idea.

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    You donut

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Nice list, thank you! 

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Hi great post, I think you should maybe make sure to put the scripts you use for third-party S/S+ champions on your tier list, it might help people!
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Could you tell which script is being used for Tier S+ and S ?"

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good job !

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Hi !
I appreciate your feedback.
I edited the tierlist to include the used scripts !

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Hey, i'm a viktor lover player, and i think, it could be a A tier when you know how to play him.
I'm always use the "e" with script and it's also good.
The thing is that you have to "q" manually and press "space" for a perfect combo.
You can't just "press SPACE" because the combo is not going to be fast.
Then you can harass with "e". And combo using manually "q" avec SPACE after.
Generally, you want to ult by yourself because you have to know the damage of your champion.
This champion is broken when it's mastered !

Sorry for my English, i'm FR too :)
Très bonne tier list l'ami ^^

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Hi man, first of all great tier list.


I'm just curious how do you make Yasuo work? I think in 1v1 situations the script is pretty good and you can kill a lot of champions. But in teamfights, he usually just E's into fights and dies. I tried it around a bit, any tips that you guys use?

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Hi man, first of all great tier list.


I'm just curious how do you make Yasuo work? I think in 1v1 situations the script is pretty good and you can kill a lot of champions. But in teamfights, he usually just E's into fights and dies. I tried it around a bit, any tips that you guys use?

Hi, yes i disable E biggrin.png

One tips : disable all dash abilities for all scripts KappaHD.png

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ty for your tier list 

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Hi, yes i disable E biggrin.png

One tips : disable all dash abilities for all scripts KappaHD.png


Haha thanks for the first tip.


And i'm used to playing adc and attacking 'nearest to mouse'.. with the orbwalker on yasuo, do you also put it on the same or put it on auto or closest or anything else?


I disable E on my champions, but i left in on yasuo because it's such an important mechanic. But for example on kaisa or samira or any champ i always disable E.

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Haha thanks for the first tip.


And i'm used to playing adc and attacking 'nearest to mouse'.. with the orbwalker on yasuo, do you also put it on the same or put it on auto or closest or anything else?


I disable E on my champions, but i left in on yasuo because it's such an important mechanic. But for example on kaisa or samira or any champ i always disable E.

I use "auto", If u correctly setup the priority target I think it's the best for an adc.

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why u like devX kindred over 14AIO ?

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Litterally confused because i played on an account trista mid, 85% winrate bronze to plat, turbo broken, the better script is DNS Mark i think, because the "r" with Pussy is broken :/

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