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Loader oder Script geht nicht

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ich sag erstmal was ich alles gemacht habe bisher


-Loader geladen

-Payment gemacht für Vip Ext scripts, zeit mir aber nur mein altes payment von vor zwei jahren an auf der seite 10€ und jetzt ist es ja auf 30, musste trotzdem nur 10 zahlen.

-Exe auf discord gesetzt 32 bit

-wie im video und gif gezeigt wurde den ordner geladen und ersetzt


Ich hab keine ahnung wo der Fehler liegt. zeigt mir ingame nichts an. orbwalking geht nicht oder auch nicht mal tower ranges , also garnichts .scheint nicht aktiv zu sein


echt keine ahnung mehr probiere es seit stunden rauszufinden was ich falsch mache, vll hat hier jemand eine idee wäre super nett

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    You donut

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I don't speak german sadly but, please follow these guides, carefully/properly to make everything work. If you don't pay enough attention you'll face problems.


1- Please Install this file with all the scripts and a text file showing the supported champions scripts.

2- Follow this guide that shows how to load GOS Loader into notepad++ to make it work: http://gamingonstero...m/topic/22416-6
(Remember you need to load/transfer gos loader into notepad++ following that video otherwise, you can't get into the game.)

3- Follow this video to set some required keybinds so things can work: Videohttps://bit.ly/3gkCD2P

4- Never enable a lot of scripts at the same time! Use scripts this way: (Let's say you want to play with Xerath as an example)

  • Pick a champion.
  • Open the text file in the rar you downloaded from my thread, search a champion name using CTRL + F as an example: Dnsfinest.lua for Xerath.
  • In-game hit F6-KEY enable +GGorbwalker.lua(always must be enabled) + Dnsfinest + Cdtracker+ do NOT enable anything else. So if you play another champion, disable the Xerath script, enable another script for the champ you play. (Here's script database: http://gamingonstero...c/37324-gosext)

Scripts Suggestion:
EXT is primarily great with ADC champs, so try to play with meta ADCs or Mid or supports. It is not great with melee champions.

More suggestions from the users:

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OK, thanks, I did everything as it says, but I don't have anything active in practice mode. every firewall is disabled. the program accepts Notepad as it should be. Everything actually looks good so far, but not in the game

No chance :/

Edited by Ventura900, 13 February 2024 - 07:29 .

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    You donut

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  • LocationSomewhere over the rainbow

OK, thanks, I did everything as it says, but I don't have anything active in practice mode. every firewall is disabled. the program accepts Notepad as it should be. Everything actually looks good so far, but not in the game

No chance :/

Can you send me a screenshot of that shows the installed c++? And can you confirm the game is in borderless mode not fullscreen? 

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    You donut

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Can you send me a screenshot of that shows the installed c++? And can you confirm the game is in borderless mode not fullscreen? 

Any news? Have you fixed it if not can you show me the required c++? (On control panel/program and features) 


If your problem contiunes, please create a thread in the support section.

Edited by Aristo, 28 February 2024 - 05:12 .

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