Simple nasus stack, use it in your script if you want but give credits
-- When we get a stack we add 3 to this value (refrence line 16) local QStack = 0 -- Start a loop OnLoop(function(myHero) -- Get all the enemy minions for _,SRUM in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do -- If the minion is a Valid Target and in 150 range if GoS:ValidTarget(SRUM, 150) then -- Calculate damage for perfection, and we also add those stacks into account so this will be dynamic or a changed number every succesful last hit. We also check the hp to make sure our damage is greater than it. Lastly we make sure the X key is being held down if GoS:CalcDamage(myHero, SRUM, 0, 30 + 20*GetCastLevel(myHero,_Q) + GetBonusDmg(myHero) + GetBonusAP(myHero) + GetBaseDamage(myHero) + QStack) > GetCurrentHP(SRUM) and CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and KeyIsDown(88) then -- We cast the spell on our self CastSpell(_Q) -- then we attack the minion AttackUnit(SRUM) end end end end) OnCreateObj(function(Object) -- Sender of stacks QStack = QStack -- Gets the name and once the object is created then we seed it to line 2 if GetObjectBaseName(Object) == "DeathsCaress_nova.troy" then QStack = QStack + 3 end end)
Edited by Cloud, 15 September 2015 - 12:00 .
Make sure you do not reload this script or else it will loose all stacks in account