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ariel bot

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hello I have this problem because ariel bot does not hit at all and when it hits it hits 2/10 shots and I have a question is it a mistake on my part or is it like that maybe I chose the wrong bot or some setting please help  








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    RocketLeague Dev

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hello I have this problem because ariel bot does not hit at all and when it hits it hits 2/10 shots and I have a question is it a mistake on my part or is it like that maybe I chose the wrong bot or some setting please help  






From the video it looks like [Aim at Goal] is not enabled, it's either the [Facing Goal] or [Safety Zone] options.

Also, as of the the previous Rocket League, they made a change where the car respawns so in freeplay the goal that the [Aerial Bot] will aim at will be only on 1 side

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you see some issue 



[Aerial Bot BETA]
Enable Aerial Bot = true
Primary Aerial Mode = 1
Secondary Aerial Mode = -1
Third Aerial Mode = -1
Intersection Type = 4
Interpolation Speed = 3.470000
Air Dribbling = true
Air Dribbling Mode = 10
Air Dribbling Offset = 102.809998
Air Dribbling Goal Offset = 64.559998
Air Dribbling Approach Offset = 64.389999
Hit Adjust = true
Hit Adjust Distance = 100.000000
Take-off Time = true
Take-off Mode = 0
Time In MS = 0.684000
FreeStyle Control = true
FreeStyle Control Orientation Mode = 4
FreeStyle Until Distance = 200.000000
Enable Starting Velocity = false
Starting Velocity = 1550.000000
New Stationary Time Calculation = true
Enable Automation = true
Auto Boost = true
Extra Jump Ticks = 4
Use Auto Boost In Primary Mode = true
Use Auto Boost In Secondary Mode = true
Use Auto Boost In Third Mode = true
Feather Boost = true
Feather Boost Strength = 1008.000000
Feather Boost Air Dribbling Strength = 10.000000
Boost Till Distance = 140.000000
Always Boost = false
Auto Drive = true
Use Handbrake = true
Drive Backwards = false
Use Dribble Bot = true
Match Speed = true
Aim At Goal = true
Facing Goal = false
Use In Primary Mode = true
Use In Secondary Mode = true
Use In Third Mode = true
In Safety Zone = true
Safety Zone Distance = 5167.000000
Hoops Target Height = 660.000000
Automatic Correction Values = true
Use When on Ground = true
Use When Normal Aerialing = true
Use When Freestyle Aerialing = true
Ground Correction = 1.500000
Normal Aerial Correction = 85.000000
FreeStyle Aerial Correction = 85.000000
Ground Risk Factor = 10.090000
Normal Aerial Risk Factor = 8.060000
Freestyle Aerial Risk Factor = 8.040000
Primary Aerial Bot Hotkey = 70
Secondary Aerial Bot Hotkey = 6
Third Aerial Bot Hotkey = 9

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You can also learn how to fast aerial
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