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Why GoS has not advanced....

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Hey GoS family! Its me Cloud making a thread on why GoS has not advanced in multiple ways it should have. (Yes I throw shade in this ( shade means directing something at someone))



1. Nearly all scripts are the same thing repeated!

  Of all the scripts Ive seen and looked at Ive only seen like 10 good, legitimate, original, authentic ones. TO MANY scripts Ive seen have been C+P add ValidTarget here and there and here it is the best script on Earth cant get better then this! No, this is not the case nearly all scripts are garbage (including some of mine) (and yes you know who I'm talking to) and don't even provide logic to suffice a proper game, yes luck occasionally kicks in games I understand games like that but still look at some random members script and compare it to a script made by someone you know (https://www.diffchecker.com/diff) do you see what I see? CastSkillShot(_Q, blah blah blah) local QPred = GetPred etc... , Now your probably like "what else should I do instead of casting the spell?" Idk add logic to why you are casting the spell and fix the way you predict?


2. Lib usage is limited.

  Yes you heard me, you aren't using the lib to the maximum ability are you? TBH do you even know what you are coding? Have you even read documentation on the lib? Next, why the hell are you all or most of you using Inspired lib (not saying its bad but there is alternatives to it you know!) is it because you don't know how to use and read over any other lib? For example Delibrary, a very well coded library has 0 scripts and only has helpers made by the author himself! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH TIME HE SPENT CODING AND WRITING UP ON THAT? Of course most of you don't since obviously you have just followed the same exact script with no logic!


3. Built in API usage is very limited!

  Man Feretorix I feel so bad for you, you literally coded hundreds of lines into the API to use and yet only we use 20 things, i.e "How do I make a Nasus Q stacker or a Draven Q catcher?" " Response: Have you actually read the API?" Of course you haven't if you cannot answer a simple question like that (I understand amateur coders or newbie coders) but for those who don't even try? I just feel so mad when someone asks such a simple question and they are the coders Ive mentioned in points 1 and 2 which are just C+P > New Thread > Rep Farm > and in the end we learn that this coder does not even have a clue on what he or she wrote? That is just sad and breaks my heart to see Feretorix code his whole day and for coders not to use it to its maximum potential...


4. Utility scripts are made by 1-3 authors

  Why the hell do we even have like 10 scripts for the same champion with the same logic just reworded? Why not move on and actually make something worth saving and make a utility script? Is it because you do not know how to? Or is it because you are a lazy coder who would much rather C+P and waste our time? Man I truly feel bad for you utility script makers, I wish we had more coders like you and not just some garbage. Also many of you coders request a utility and then rip the code (ilovesona I feel empathy for you) and just place it in your script like its yours. Guess what? Its not yours and you should add a simple require('BLAH'). Again this is a huge issue in some of the best scripts on this forums (you know who you are)


5. Have you read the rules? Have you read the guides?

  Man this is a huge, huge issue on GoS! No one likes to read anything on here and would rather spam a mod on "How 2 install script", "How to download loader", "Script is 100% original!", all of this is so common now that no one gives a damn about it. Occasionally I understand users having errors but seriously learn to read.



  Since Ive already covered plagiarism if you do decide to do it, at least give credits to the ORIGINAL author. And no don't think you will not get caught, I can guarantee you WE will catch you, ban you, delete your thread etc. Please don't let this be you because I will go to the extremes.




Please don't be any of these people. I truly dislike them. There will be more to come on this topic since Im not done (its night and all). P.S any stupid nonintellectual posts or criticism will not be tolerated and instantly deleted.

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maybe we should pin this topic to script forum  Doge

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see, in bank of london there are scripts with such feature like AutoHarass

i.e. Lucian the Purifier, he autoQ minion whenever an enemy is on range

      Quinn Madness, she autoDefensive E and a lot of others


In case of GoS It's just the beginning, the just simple scripts are growing up just recently

I guess after all the simple scripts are done coders will try to make a difference

and there comes the acknowledge of all Library

it's ok

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While I agree with the sentiment overall, I think that Cloud may be being a bit harsh on the community of developers as a whole. The infrastructure is still in the progress of being built out. There's no auto-update infrastructure, there's no menu that saves settings, etc. I've built a few basic scripts since I'm not a very competent developer myself, and based them on libs which are now outdated. I attempted to make the Nasus Q stacker you mentioned, and wasn't able to because the API function doesn't really handle the logic, and in order to get the functionality you have to make a hack/assumption. 


So while it is fair to say that Copy/Pasting existing scripts doesn't add any value, I think it's important to take into consideration the general state of the tools available to developers. At this stage, I can't really spend time developing scripts because I can't even get the orbwalker script functionality working, and I spent most of last week trying to figure out why menus and the orbwalker wasn't working. 


Edit: But as for the "How 2 install script" kids, yeah they should be taken out back and shot. I see so much nonsense, bashing of GoS and the people who actually contribute here it makes me sick. 

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While I agree with the sentiment overall, I think that Cloud may be being a bit harsh on the community of developers as a whole. The infrastructure is still in the progress of being built out. There's no auto-update infrastructure, there's no menu that saves settings, etc. I've built a few basic scripts since I'm not a very competent developer myself, and based them on libs which are now outdated. I attempted to make the Nasus Q stacker you mentioned, and wasn't able to because the API function doesn't really handle the logic, and in order to get the functionality you have to make a hack/assumption. 


So while it is fair to say that Copy/Pasting existing scripts doesn't add any value, I think it's important to take into consideration the general state of the tools available to developers. At this stage, I can't really spend time developing scripts because I can't even get the orbwalker script functionality working, and I spent most of last week trying to figure out why menus and the orbwalker wasn't working. 


Edit: But as for the "How 2 install script" kids, yeah they should be taken out back and shot. I see so much nonsense, bashing of GoS and the people who actually contribute here it makes me sick. 

DLib has auto updater and save menu setting :grumpycat:

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DLib has auto updater and save menu setting :grumpycat:

Ooh 8)


I like the way the dlib menu looks, too. I didn't mean to insult anyone, I just wanted to argue that as the quality of the infrastructure improves, it becomes easier to create high quality scripts 

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GoS has not advanced in multiple ways because no one made good orbwalk, evade or activator.

And entitled script writers instead of perfecting their work prefer wasting time looking if someone "stole" their "code" instead of, well, writing it.

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for some reasons i think you are talking about me ? :grumpycat:
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for some reasons i think you are talking about me ? :grumpycat:

Not all of it, maybe just the part where utility script comes in.


GoS has not advanced in multiple ways because no one made good orbwalk, evade or activator.

And entitled script writers instead of perfecting their work prefer wasting time looking if someone "stole" their "code" instead of, well, writing it.

We have an evade and an activator but activator is not released yet.


Ooh 8)


I like the way the dlib menu looks, too. I didn't mean to insult anyone, I just wanted to argue that as the quality of the infrastructure improves, it becomes easier to create high quality scripts 


While I agree with the sentiment overall, I think that Cloud may be being a bit harsh on the community of developers as a whole. The infrastructure is still in the progress of being built out. There's no auto-update infrastructure, there's no menu that saves settings, etc. I've built a few basic scripts since I'm not a very competent developer myself, and based them on libs which are now outdated. I attempted to make the Nasus Q stacker you mentioned, and wasn't able to because the API function doesn't really handle the logic, and in order to get the functionality you have to make a hack/assumption. 


So while it is fair to say that Copy/Pasting existing scripts doesn't add any value, I think it's important to take into consideration the general state of the tools available to developers. At this stage, I can't really spend time developing scripts because I can't even get the orbwalker script functionality working, and I spent most of last week trying to figure out why menus and the orbwalker wasn't working. 


Edit: But as for the "How 2 install script" kids, yeah they should be taken out back and shot. I see so much nonsense, bashing of GoS and the people who actually contribute here it makes me sick. 

Do not worry I did not use you in this threads example (you fall into that newbie coder category)

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All I wanna say is... Chill out Kappa

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What about make a section for developers, to help each other out for better understandyng. Just like autohotkey forum someone want's to make something he puts the code they help him out different ways. If all developers comes together, is gonna have a lot of more ideas and creativity.

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A lot of good points there Cloud. In my opinion, GoS' forum administration is too lenient towards people who publish scripts. I mean I'm quite new here, just started writing some stuff and I can already create a topic in the scripts forum and post a script for EVERYONE to use. If we want quality, we should have people in administration who check the new scripts and decide if they are worth publishing. Then, we get those two things: quality and no more posts like "the script is ****ty/doesn't work/we have already 10 scripts that do exactly the same thing". It would require more work from you guys (or just get new people who are willing to do that "filtering") but it should help a lot with the problems you mentioned. Current system of publishing scripts almost encourages new people to copy/paste if they can publish a one line script without any consequences.

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