HarassCombo Tab > LaneClear:
Feature explanation:
-LaneClear Hotkey: by default is V, can be set to anything else.
-By holding down the key, you will attack minions and push the lane faster (including lasthit killable minions).
-Enable LaneClear: by checking this, you will enable the usage of the laneclear key (whatever is set to)
-DrawMinionsNearKill: if you enable this, whenever a minion is below x2 attacks health, it will be marked with transparent white circle. Also whenever this happens, laneclear itself will pause attacking minions, waiting for that minion health to lower so you can lasthit it.
Current Logic:
-First priority is to attack Inhibitors.
-Later it will seek for nearby Turrets.
-If none of the above is available in the attack range, it will seek enemy minions to attack (including jungle ones).
-If there are ally minions nearby, and an enemy minion is almost available for a lasthit, it will pause pushing, waiting for that minion health to lower down so you can kill it and continue wave clearing.