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Target Selector: Some modes and such...

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Very, very important feature.
What it must have, to be, at least GOOD TargetSelector?
Topic version: v2.0

Step 1: Having multiple target seeking modes.
Very important to have multiple modes. Sometimes your spells do more damage to furthest targets, sometimes your spells is better aganist low-health enemies, and sometimes you must target lowest armor hero. So, all modes I can advice.
* Lowest HP
Must I say how it works?
* Lowest EffectiveHP (EHP)
Look below. To find EHP, just apply both multipliers, or multiply EHP-A on EHP-M and divide on Target health (works too :-\)
* Lowest EHP (Armor only)
Very useful. Helps to target someone with lowest protection aganist you. To find EHP-A, you need a one of two formulas.
Formula 1 (easy and unique one):
Formula 2 (more complex and player-specified):
* Lowest EHP (Magic Resist only)
Save as above, but replace all "ARMOR" to "MAGICRESIST"
* Closest to Hero
Easy. Taric will love you for that mode!
* Closest to Cursor
Strange mode, but still works!
* Highest Kill-Death-Assists ratio
Focusing most fed champs is usually a key to victory. Team without a leader is dead team. Usually.
* Highest AD
If you want to shutdown ADC first. Also this TargetSelector mode is Teemo's favorite!
* Highest AP
If you want to shutdown APC first. Be careful, through, because enemy's Soraka can build AP too xD
* Highest EffectiveGoldCost
Almost same as KDA, but calculates power of hero from items he bought. Look for example below.
Example I: Player-1 have Doran's Ring. Player-2 have Doran's Blade. Doran's Ring have effective gold of 666g, Blade have only 603g. Player-1 will be selected as target.
Example II: Player-1 have Mejai Soulstealer with 2 stacks. Player-2 have Rod Of Ages with 0 stacks. Mejai have 435g effeciency, + 174 for every stack (x2), so 783g in total. RoA have 3405g effeciency, with 136,8g per stack. Player-2 will be selected.
Example III: Player-1 have 5 Bloodthisters. Player-2 have Rabadon's Cap, Zhonua Hourglass, Luden's Echo and Trinity Force. 5 BT have effeciency of (2880 * 5 + 1100 (cause BT's vamp is unique passive) = 15500g), full set have effeciency of (3393 + 1000 + 3393 + 3393 + 277 + 4516 = 15972g). Player-2 will be selected.
Example IV: Player have Mejai Soulstealer with 20 stacks. Player-2 have Rabadon's Cap. Player-1 will be targetted. Because of gold effeciency -> Rabadon have 3393g and full stacked Mejai have 4390g
Optionally: Count player's gold as well.
Step 2 (Optional): Inversion Checkbox
Turns mode to opposite.
* "Lowest HP" will become "Highest HP"
* "Closest to Hero" will become "Farthest from Hero"
* "Highest EffectiveGoldCost" will become "Lowest EGC"
And so on.
"Optional" because you can do everything manually (just add options that opposite in menu)

Step 3: Priority System
Must reset itself every game.
Can be configured both manually and automatically.
Automode example: Enemy team have: Mundo, Teemo, Annie, Sivir and Syndra.
Automatically everything will be setted (APC have priority 5, ADC - 4, Junglers and Bruisers - 3, Supports - 2, and Tanks - 1):
Syndra: 5 (because 100% APC)
Sivir: 4 (because 100% ADC)
Annie: 3 (because slots 5 and 4 is busy)
Teemo: 2 (because slot 5 and 4 and 3 is busy)
Mundo: 1 (because slot 3 and 2 is busy)
But player thought-thought, and setted manually next priorities:
Syndra: 1 (because she playing very ****ty and easy to kill)
Sivir: 4 (because she is a threat)
Annie: 3 (burst supports is bursting...)
Mundo: 2 (just because Mundo...)
In TargetSelector creating new mode:
* According to Priority System
Depening on value of number - higher number - more prioritized target. In manual example: Teemo is most prioritized.
How it works: If there is Annie and Sivir in range, Sivir will be targetted - even if she have 100% HP and Annie have 1%. If Syndra comes - target not changing, if Teemo shows up from invisibility - he will be targetted instead.
If some champions have same number of priority (for example, Annie will have number 4 (as Sivir) - target from them both will be selected using other mode)

Step 4 (Optional, but preferable): Priority System Injection Checkbox
Just multiplying results with small cooficients to shift some positions.
For example, with Lowest HP mode:
We have two players. Let's call them PLAYER_A and PLAYER_B.
PLAYER_A status:
Priority = 4, Health = 100
PLAYER_B status:
Priority = 1, Health = 98

Without Injected Priority System:
PLAYER_B will be selected, because 98 < 100.

With Injected Priority System:
Calculate temporary NEW_HP for both players, using next formula:

So, NEW_HP for PLAYER_A will be: 100 * (1 - (0.01 * 4)) = 100 * 0.96 = 96 HP.
And, NEW_HP for PLAYER_B will be: 98 * (1 - (0.01 * 1)) = 98 * 0.99 = 97.02 HP.

By comparsion of NEW_HP, we will select PLAYER_A, because 96 < 97.02
Even if in real game, PLAYER_B have lesser health.
It helps greatly in teamfights, to not change targets in the middle of Katarina Burst! If we want to look for highest HP, just changing sign from - to + in multipliers.
It can even work with Distances!

Step 5 (Optional, but preferable): Serparate Target Selectors for skills
If we playing as Evelynn, we could (and may want) set our Q to hit as many targets (enemy heroes) as possible, and our E to hit enemy with lowest EHP-M.
Or if one of our skills doing best damage on physical targets, and other one doing best damage on magical targets... Possibilities is unbelievable.
Or use we can use the one, that used in Player Autoattacks.

Maybe I missed something, but with time I will remember.
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This is one hell of a well made thread. Let's hope they implement this logic into GoS.
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priority is being worked on atm :D advanced logics will be gd too :D

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I think that will be added in the future: 3



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it will be added soon  :godbless:

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yeah need it

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Very important feature. What it must have, to be GOOD TS?


1) Priority system that nullifies itself every injection

Winch can be setted manually or automatically (ADC have priority of 4, APC/Bursters - 5, Supports - 2, Tanks - 1, Bruizers - 3, and such).

It looks something like:

Diana: 2

Mundo: 1

Teemo: 5

Sivir: 4

Annie: 3

(Depening on value on number - the higher - the better. In this case, Teemo will be most prioritized.)

If some champions have same number, other logic (look below) will be chosen to select from them.


2) Target selection modes.

Target selects in Player.AttackRange, or biggest spellrange hero have.


1) Using Priority System. If there is Annie and Sivir in range, Sivir will be targetted even if she have 100% HP and Annie have 1%. If Diana comes - target not changing, if Teemo shows up from invisibility - he will be targetted.

2) Lowest HP. Heh, really easy.

3) Lowest EHP-A (Effective HP - Armor). We using formula "HP * (1 + (TARGETARMOR/100) )", and choosing lowest.

4) Lowest EHP-M (same as 3, but for MR). Same formula, but for MR.

5) Lowest EHP. Same as 3 and 4, but instead of only one multiply, we multiplying both on armor and MR coof.

6) Closest to hero.

7) Closest to cursor.

8) Highest KDA ratio (most fed champs is most dangerous)

9) Highest AD

10) Highest AP

11) Highest GoldCost (almost same as KDA, but we calculating Effective Gold Cost of every item that player have + his amount of gold, so the more gold player have, the more dangerous he is)


Example of mode 11:

1) Player have Doran's Ring. Other player have Rabadon's Cap. The one who have Rabadon will be selected.

2) Player have Mejai Soulstealer with 2 stacks. Other player have Rabadon's Cap. The one with Rabadon will be selected.

3) Player have 6 Bloodthisters. Other player have Rabadon's Cap. The one with 6 BT will be selected.

4) Player have Mejai Soulstealer with 20 stacks. Other player have Rabadon's Cap. The one with Mejai will be selected. (Because of gold effeciency, Rabadon have 3393g and full stacked Mejai have 4390g)


3) Inversion checkbox.

On checking, turns:

Mode 6 from "closest" to "farest" (For example, for Nidalee spears)

Mode 2 from "Lowest" to "Highest" (For ADC/Peeler with BOTRK)

Mode 8 from "Highest" to "Lowest" (To kill losers first, so battle could be turned into 4v5 as quickly as possible)

and so on.


4) Priority system for modes above (and more).

Just multiplying results with small cooficients to shift some positions.

For example, with (LOWEST HP) mode...

We have two players. Let's call them PLAYER_A and PLAYER_B.

Player A have priority of 4, and his champion have 100 HP.

Player B have priority of 1, and his champion have 98 HP.

Normally, with "LOWEST HP" mode, Player B will be chosen, because 98 is lesser than 100.


But, let's say that we have formula that looks like: "Real_HP * (1 - (0.01 * priority) ) = New_HP)

Let's calculate New_HP for both players!

Player A: 100 * (1 - (0.01 * 4)) = 100 * 0.96 = 96 HP.

Player B: 98 * (1 - (0.01 * 1)) = 98 * 0.99 = 97.02 HP.

So... now, 96 is lesser than 97.02. Player A will be chosen, instead of Player B! Because Player A have sightly bigger priority! :)

It helps greatly in teamfights, to not change targets in the middle of Katarina Burst :)


5) Every skill can have its own Target Selector

So, if we playing as Evelynn, we could set our Q to hit as many targets (enemy heroes) as possible, and our E to hit enemy with lowest EHP-M.

Or if one of our skills doing best damage on physical targets, and other one doing best damage on magical targets... Possibilities is unbelievable.

Or use we can use the one, that used in Player Autoattacks.


Maybe I missed something, but with time I will remember.

That is rlly good.

It's like L# but much better :)

Hope it will be added ^_^

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Apc xerath :D

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So its already implemented ?

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So its already implemented ?

Not really. Only small-small part of it: Lowest HP mode.
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At the moment it checks for the closest, and if more than 1 targets are in range, it will focus the lower HP one.

You can override your target by clicking left mouse on it, a green circle marker will appear.

Improvemets on this is a must, but will happen in the future after i finish the API.
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Maybe space harascombo failed 

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Agreed, that and a farming overhaul is all we need to make GoS godly

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I hope if target 5 (APC) actally got 0-20 kda it wont focus him when this gets implemented


and why the heck foxy got banned??????????????????????????????????????????????

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I hope if target 5 (APC) actally got 0-20 kda it wont focus him when this gets implemented

and why the heck foxy got banned??????????????????????????????????????????????

He requested for self-ban
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I hope if target 5 (APC) actally got 0-20 kda it wont focus him when this gets implemented
and why the heck foxy got banned??????????????????????????????????????????????

Of course! Look, if there is a target 1 (tank, Shen) have 5-1-0 KDA, target 3 (Bruizer, Shyvana) have 4-0-0 KDA and target 5 (APC, Syndra) have 1-5-0 KDA then it will calculate like so:
Shen KDA: (5 + 0) / 1 = 5
Shen Priority = 1
Shen Multiplier: 1.01
Shen final KDA: 5.05

Shyvana KDA: (4+0) / 0.5 = 8 <- Because dividing by 0 is infinite.
Shyvana Priority = 3
Shyvana Multiplier = 1.03
Shyvana final KDA: 8.24

Syndra KDA: (1 + 0) / 5 = 0.2
Syndra Priority = 5
Syndra Multiplier = 1.05
Syndra final KDA: 0,21

Final line: Shyvana, then Shen, then Syndra.

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Must use Script or just use GOS tool ???

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Goswalk haz it

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At the moment it checks for the closest, and if more than 1 targets are in range, it will focus the lower HP one.

You can override your target by clicking left mouse on it, a green circle marker will appear.

Improvemets on this is a must, but will happen in the future after i finish the API.

all orbwalkers r still missing it: /ignore tanky targets since jul 2015 omg  gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png


leftclick sucks

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