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Range Circles

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Awareness Tab > Show My XXXX Range:




Screenshot: 3myranges.gif

Feature explanation:
-Show My Attack Range: Draws it in red color.

-Show My Smite Range: Draws it in purple color.

-Show My QSpell Range: Draws it in golden color.

-Show My WSpell Range: Draws it in green color.

-Show My ESpell Range: Draws it in blue color.

-Show My RSpell Range: Draws it in darkblue color.

-My Ranges Transparency: Specify how dense the colors of the circles above should be (applies to all of them).

-Show ExperienceGain Range: Shows the range in which one you can gain experience from minions. (strongly transparent gray color)

-Show Enemy Attack Range: Same as yours in red color.

Show Enemy Vision Range: Shows the vision on enemies in orange/red depending if you are in their sight.

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