Hi community so i decide to update my malzahar and here he is with some more functions.
- Use Q
- Use W
- Use E
- Use R
- Mana Control. It starts as off so if you want it, just put it ON.
- Only Combo if kilable. Starts as ON if u don't like and u wanna combo when you want, just put it off. Tell me if i wrote kilable in the wrong way.
- Harass
- Killsteal with Q + E + R. R starts as off, but i putted it on the script cause a guy asked me to do it. Tell me if E is already killstealing, cause it wasns't before, now i dunno.
- Drawings
- Damage Drawings
Deftsu for explaining me some calcs, helping and for the ExtraDmg func.
Logge for helping and givind me ideas to the script.
Zypppy for a piece of code that helped on malzahar ultimate.