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TeamPlay™ Module
Posted 11 July 2015 - 03:02
They will promote you as good, attentive player, even if you will play 0/100/0, but you will supply your teammates with all information about enemy team. Junglers, dragons - everything you want and need!
Just read everything below if you are interested.
First module: Pinger Module
This module working with standart pings of League. There is 8 pings in game:
* Just plain ping
* Warning!
* Danger!
* Missing In Action (MIA)
* On My Way
* Assist
* Attack (Target)
* Defend
First ping being used to show something: like, if you can share blue buff with midlaner or if dragon just been respawned.
Second and third: If enemy jungler approaches, or if you want to notify your teammate that you are too weak to fight, and better retreat.
Fifth, of course, shows that you going to help or asking for help (sixth).
Seventh and Eighth is, of course, for showing target to prioritize and target to defend
And forth - used to show that enemy is went somewhere, where you can't see (and can't control) him.
Using MIA pings is very important, since it helps your teammates to know, if midlane went roaming, if jungler just hid in Fog of War (FOW), or such. Those pings help greatly, believe me.
Using Warning pings is too, useful. It helps to track enemy jungler and notify that lane in danger. So. Knowing this info, I created an idea of Automatic Pinger System, that will help your teammates.
First function: MIA pinger.
This thing will send a MIA ping after (2-10)±(0-2) seconds on the lastest place of seen enemy. If enemy shows up before timer expiries, ping will be not sent.
Also, there is a (0-100)% chance that after timer expiries, ping will be not send. Also, you can set maximum range in (1500-30000) units, and if enemy went invisible out of this range, timer also will not be started.
All colored options, as you may guess, are configurable sliders.
I think, 4 seconds ±1 random second with 15% chance of "forgetting" to ping and range around 7000 (for bottom and top lanes) range is enough to be good default settings.
Second function: Danger pinger.
This thing is not fully work, but still have reasons to exist. This module, if notices enemy jungler anywhere, sending a Warning ping on his position with (0-100)% chance + sending a Danger ping on possibly ganked lanes with (0-100)% chance. Of course, your lane will not be pinged, because you already have jungler compass in GoS.
But I don't know how to track jungler, so this func have much lesser chances to be implemented.
Third function: HugeWave™ pinger.
And last, but not least function!
Each time (with (0-100)% chance of missing) GoS notices, that there is too many enemy minions coming towards our tower, and our waves cant stop them anymore (I can't say formula, but it is kinda: Number of Minions * DistanceMult. Closer to base - bigger Mult. Closer to enemy base - smaller.), it will send Defend ping to lane tower - the one what is alive, or, if all three towers are destroyed, just somewhere nearby lane. So teammates will notice it (because ping will not be single, cause enemy minions will vanish in FOW and appear from it) and running to lane to get juicy 20-30 CS just within minutes!
Ping will not be sent if there is an ally player (at least one) nearby on lane.
Second module: Watchful Gentleman Module
You know, it is very good manner to say "Hello" when you are meeting people, or "Good bye" if you leaving?
So, WGM is module that will say it for you!
At the start of the game, after (10-45)±(0-25) seconds you will send a random greeting message, like "GL'n'HF", or "Goodluck!" or "Hello every1!" and so on and so on.
At the end of the game, you will send "/all gg" or such.
But everything above is just "Gentleman" module. Why then I called him "Watchful"?
Because of next, Second function.
WGM have tons of pre-made words. Usually it is a champion names.
Like: Ezreal = "ezreal" "ez" "ezrl" and so on.
and... Flash = "fl" "flash"
What will be after (0-5)±(0-2) seconds after Ezreal used Flash? (if we "noticed it" with (0-100)% chance in (1500-30000) range, or (0-100)% chance out of range (but if we targetted this guy) or (0-100)% chance if not targetted (leftclicked) and out of range or with (0-100)% chance if we are dead?) Right.
With (0-100)% chance script will say "(one of hero names) (not) (summoner spell name, only one) (precise time)". In this case: "ez no fl 851" (because we know precise cooldown of spell!)
If it haven't said, it will try to say (with (0-100)% chance) "(one of hero names) (not) (summoner spell name, only one) (round time)". In this case: "ezreal -flash 9" (because of rounding)
If it haven't said, it will try again (with (0-100)% chance) "(one of hero names) (not) (summoner spell name, only one)". In this case: "ezrl no flash".
If it haven't said... ok. We just forgot to mention it.
Second function is controlling and informating your teammates about:
* Summoner spells.
* Ultimates (with exceptions like Jayce one or such). Because, you know, "Annie no ult" can be a sign for your Jungler to succesfully gank your lane and destroy this annoying fed girl.
* Passives ("anivia no passiv 9-11")
* AND Even items (they have their own slider, through)! ("no healpots", "no manapots", "no flask")
Third function is similar to second. But it controls Big bosses, like Dragon and Baron.
Hopefully, you CAN see dragon stacks on enemy. So, if you saw that there is no stacks, and when someone showed up and you saw 1 stack, what this can mean? Of course, THEY JUST SLAIN DRAGON!
And... with (0-100)% chance WGM will send in chat: "drag 8:55"... or "drag 9"... or just "draGONE". You know. Useful.
Also you can use Spectator mode to track time when Dragon will respawn. Precisely. Same for Baron and Blu/Red.
This is all, but for now. TeamPlay module will be expanded further away with time, and more suggestions will come here, and your teammates will be very happy, even if you play very, very ****ty
Posted 12 July 2015 - 11:25
Keşke bunları türkçeye çevirip paylaşan supportumuz olsa (@Cat @Tufan) xd
Posted 12 July 2015 - 11:40
Keşke bunları türkçeye çevirip paylaşan supportumuz olsa (@Cat @Tufan) xd
I like it how he posted this for quite some time now and the supports are not even batting an eye.
Posted 12 July 2015 - 12:33
I like it how he posted this for quite some time now and the supports are not even batting an eye.
Feretorix is currently developing the api, and we are still not sure the limitations of the api, and thus not sure if this idea can be implemented. But it sure looks good, and can be converted to a lua script once the api is ready and released fully
Posted 21 August 2015 - 12:36
it's a very dangerous feature....
auto send smth to other ppl is not a good idea
Posted 02 September 2015 - 08:02
Maybe. But for this reason I got a randomizer. So it is a chance to 'forget' to say something. And also module words, so you never spam 'ezreal no ult 10, ezreal no ult 10', but do a completely random words. If take example of ezreal:it's a very dangerous feature....
auto send smth to other ppl is not a good idea
Aliases to Ezreal:
"enemy adc"
Aliases to "no":
"" (yeah, valid too)
Aliases to "ult":
So, in total, at least: 7*8*8 = 448 possible combinations.
Also you can set protection: do not write anything if you are constantly moving (so it is like human, you can't click and print at the same time, you need at least a second or two to open chat, send message, and close chat), and so on.
Posted 02 September 2015 - 08:11
Keşke bunları türkçeye çevirip paylaşan supportumuz olsa (@Cat @Tufan) xd
Support degilim
Posted 02 September 2015 - 08:27
Any eta when this project might be completed at?
Posted 03 September 2015 - 04:57
It is just a suggestion. But, to answer: There is no "sendpingingame" function yet, also there is no Game.Say one (as I remember).Any eta when this project might be completed at?
So ETA: Release of GoS
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