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Internal is outdated, Check GoS store to buy GOS EXT, which is up to date and have updated scripts!

Best Answer klurosu , 28 October 2015 - 09:59

Internal is outdated, Check GoS store to buy GOS EXT, which is up to date and have updated scripts!


BUY GOS EXTERNAL NOW => http://gamingonsteroids.com/store/

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Internal is outdated, Check GoS store to buy GOS EXT, which is up to date and have updated scripts!


BUY GOS EXTERNAL NOW => http://gamingonsteroids.com/store/

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✓  Best Answer
Internal is outdated, Check GoS store to buy GOS EXT, which is up to date and have updated scripts!


BUY GOS EXTERNAL NOW => http://gamingonsteroids.com/store/

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Going to test this script in a sec.

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Ok..I'll wait until you test it.
In the meantime....I'll make more coffee
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Okay this script is ****ing awesome just carried the hell out of the game with this
But I think you need to delete damage calculations for my team cuz you dont need it!
Ult kill steal is 99.9percent I dont know what you did but awesome!
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it works fine but the error i got was this: 




it happend while i am stuck at one place while casting q or enemy was stuck at one place, but it doesn't really affect the script much!!!



and yes hawaiiangilbert  has a point, no need to know damage on your team, also those boxes of damage are annoying at top left corner



another bug i noticed, that when i click on somebody on my team, i get orange circle around him and it spams spells on my teammate Kappa


also because of the huge damage bars i cant see if they have magic or damage shield 


maybe make them more tiny like it is on the built in Riven Script in GOS F7 menu


another issue, when i hold [V] to laneclear the fps drop is HUUUGEEE

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yep this script is OP ....but during the play i get GetMoveSpeed .....and vector error....but script is amazing :)

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Awesome Script :o

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Maybe release IPred in Libraries section!

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Maybe release IPred in Libraries section!

it's not complete yet
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i got this error while playing with your lux script.

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This might sound like a noob question, so I apologize in advance. I'm new to GoS, but I've been reading through the guides section to try and find answers. I'm also a software engineer, so I've been reading through the scripts to try and find the answer as well. I can't find anything that shows how a combo/harass/lane clear is activated in the scripts. For example, in GoS, you can define harass combo to "space". How is this defined in the scripts? I'd like to know not only for the use of scripts, but I'd like to try and dabble with writing them. I assume that the onTick() function is called on each client tick, and checks what needs to be done. So is the harass/combo/etc triggered automatically?



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Updated, fixed stuff.
You need newest Inspired.lua and IPrediction.lua.

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    Took the red pill.

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This might sound like a noob question, so I apologize in advance. I'm new to GoS, but I've been reading through the guides section to try and find answers. I'm also a software engineer, so I've been reading through the scripts to try and find the answer as well. I can't find anything that shows how a combo/harass/lane clear is activated in the scripts. For example, in GoS, you can define harass combo to "space". How is this defined in the scripts? I'd like to know not only for the use of scripts, but I'd like to try and dabble with writing them. I assume that the onTick() function is called on each client tick, and checks what needs to be done. So is the harass/combo/etc triggered automatically?

IOW::Mode() returns a string which either contains Combo, Harass, LaneClear, LastHit or nothing
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@Inspired  I think you should fix the huge FPS lag spike when you select enemy or you laneclear with [V]. Everything else is more than amazing! Also wanted to suggest to release IPrediction in the library section (if you're comfortable with it)




Just tested the script once again, it shows yellow boxes at top left.


Probably best bet is to check for X,Y if are 0 from GetHpBarPos, then ignore draw for that champ.

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IOW::Mode() returns a string which either contains Combo, Harass, LaneClear, LastHit or nothing

These are triggered based on the variables in the menu? For example, if "Harass" is true, and you are within X distance from the enemy it will automatically use your combo on the enemy? Or is it if "Harass" is true, you are within X distance from the enemy, and the binding from GoS is used (for example, spacebar for "Harass") it will then execute the "Harass" task?

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@Inspired I think you should fix the huge FPS lag spike when you select enemy or you laneclear with [V]. Everything else is more than amazing! Also wanted to suggest to release IPrediction in the library section (if you're comfortable with it)




Just tested the script once again, it shows yellow boxes at top left.


Probably best bet is to check for X,Y if are 0 from GetHpBarPos, then ignore draw for that champ.

Fixed the drawing (i hope), played a full game, didn't encounter leftclick or laneclear lagg o.O
IPrediction will be released when it's time has come ;D



These are triggered based on the variables in the menu? For example, if "Harass" is true, and you are within X distance from the enemy it will automatically use your combo on the enemy? Or is it if "Harass" is true, you are within X distance from the enemy, and the binding from GoS is used (for example, spacebar for "Harass") it will then execute the "Harass" task?

They are triggered based on the MenuConfig from Inspired.lua (shift-menu). It has KeyBindings which react to keys and can be changed ingame. In the script those can be checked OnTick if they are active.

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Inspired is TOP programmer in the world :)

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They are triggered based on the MenuConfig from Inspired.lua (shift-menu). It has KeyBindings which react to keys and can be changed ingame. In the script those can be checked OnTick if they are active.

Ahh I see! I found the lines:

  self.Config.h:KeyBinding("Combo", "Combo", 32)
  self.Config.h:KeyBinding("Harass", "Harass", string.byte("C"))
  self.Config.h:KeyBinding("LastHit", "LastHit", string.byte("X"))
  self.Config.h:KeyBinding("LaneClear", "LaneClear", string.byte("V"))

I assume that is what you are talking about? So in order to use these, I would need to disable the modes through the f7 menu. For example, since 32 is the bytecode for space, I would need to disable the HarassCombo option in the f7 menu? 

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