how do i orbwalk (both in the f7 menu and scripts) Help please im newbie D:
how do i orbwalk (both in the f7 menu and scripts) Help please im newbie D:
just hold space for the win
read them guides first:
I have read that but it doesnt show me how to orbwalk with IOW or simple orbwalking more details on how to orbwalk
Inspired.lua should be auto downloaded to your common folder . So you just need script bow that requires it ir any othwr orbwalker .
Tick it
Go in game and hold down button . Space/X/C/V
Space - Combo
V-Lane/Jungle clear
Thats not the problem i got Inspired.lua it works with the combo's and lasthits but if i am right orbwalking (script) is auto-kite. so which key do i hold / press to kite (orbwalk)
Also Add me on skype name: erikattack so you can give me some details pleasea xD
Thats not the problem i got Inspired.lua it works with the combo's and lasthits but if i am right orbwalking (script) is auto-kite. so which key do i hold / press to kite (orbwalk)
Also Add me on skype name: erikattack so you can give me some details pleasea xD
Press spacebar to kite keppo
welcome to gos, and i think you should ask this in support section not here
Hello and welcome
Holding spacebar is the key for orbwalking.
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