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[18 November 2015] Added CreateSpriteFromFile, DrawSprite, SPRITE_PATH.

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sprIndex = CreateSpriteFromFile("yourspritefile.png"); --the functions will search into your C:\Users\[USERNAMEHERE]\AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOL\Sprites folder for the specific file. Returns SpriteID greater than 0 if found, and 0 if not found.

DrawSprite(SprIndex,ScreenX,ScreenY,SpriteX,SpriteY,SpriteWidth,SpriteHeight,COLOR); --draws a sprite on a specific location on your screen (X,Y) with a specific portion of it (X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT) and a possible COLOR (yes, ALPHA and all other colors are possible); Returns a boolean true if draw is success, false if failure (DirectX issue or SpriteIndex incorrect)

SCRIPT_PATH - a constant value pushed into the lua stack, holding the folder, where lua files are stored.

Small code example:
-- Used sprite: http://i.stack.imgur.com/ipKrd.png
local mysprite = CreateSpriteFromFile("ipKrd.png"); --make sure you call this ONLY ONCE, else you will flood your RAM and crash GoS.
if mysprite > 0 then
	DrawText("Look! A Button!", 35, 225, 215, ARGB(255,255,255,255))

How it looks like:

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