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[21 November 2015] Added "missile" object advanced Data, ChampionGold, ObjectOwner

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GetObjectSpellName(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), it will return it's name
GetObjectSpellOwner(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), it will return an object of it's creator/caster
GetObjectSpellStartPos(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), it returns XYZ of the starting cast position
GetObjectSpellEndPos(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), it returns XYZ of the ending cast position
GetObjectSpellPlacementPos(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), it returns XYZ of the mouse placement cast position
GetObjectSpellTarget(obj) -- if the object is a spell (missile), and the spell has a target, returns an object of the target

GetObjectOwner(obj) -- if the object is a ward or trap or anything like that, this function returns an object pointer of it's owner
GetCurrentGold(obj) -- (probably works only with YOUR hero), returns the current gold you have
GetTotalEarnedGold(obj) -- (probably works only with YOUR hero), returns the total gold earned since the start of the game

Some code examples:
local savedobject = nil

OnCreateObj(function(Object) --Object is a pointer to the object created by the game just now.
if Object ~= nil then
	if GetObjectBaseName(Object) == 'missile' then --check if it's missile
		savedobject = Object --store the object somewhere for later use

OnDraw(function(myHero) --myHero is a pointer to our champion;
if savedobject ~= nil then --check if we have recently saved object
	if GetObjectSpellName(savedobject) == 'RyzeQ' then --check if it's Ryze Q spell
			caster = GetObjectSpellOwner(savedobject); --grab the owner (caster) of the RyzeQ
			if caster ~= nil then
				DrawCircle(GetObjectSpellStartPos(savedobject),100,0,0,ARGB(255,255,0,0)); --draw starting pos
				DrawCircle(GetObjectSpellEndPos(savedobject),100,0,0,ARGB(255,0,255,0)); --draw ending pos
				DrawCircle(GetObjectSpellPlacementPos(savedobject),100,0,0,ARGB(255,0,0,255)); --draw mouse placement pos
				DrawCircle(GetOrigin(savedobject),100,0,0,ARGB(255,255,255,255)); --draw current pos
				DrawText(GetObjectName(caster), 30,600,200,ARGB(255,255,255,0)) --draw the name of caster
				DrawText(GetCurrentGold(caster), 30,600,250,ARGB(255,255,255,0)) --draw how much gold the caster has right now
				DrawText(GetTotalEarnedGold(caster), 30,600,300,ARGB(255,255,255,0)) --draw the total gold earned by the caster from the start

How this script looks like in-game:

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