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[15 December 2015] Added OnUnLoad, OnBugSplat, OnAnimation.

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I will just post an example, the functions are self-explanatory.




OnUnLoad(function() --function triggers when we press F6 and this gets called exactly before LUA engine is destroyed.
MessageBox(0,"OnUnLoad Trigger!","Hello from LUA!",0);
OnBugSplat(function(ErrorStr) --function triggers when a bugsplat occurs, ErrorStr is a msg generated from GoS.
MessageBox(0,ErrorStr,"OnBugSplat from LUA!",0);
OnAnimation(function(Object,animation)  --function triggers when the "Object" changes it's "animation" which is a string
if Object == GetMyHero() then --filter only animations from our champion
MessageBox(0,animation,"OnAnimation from LUA!",0);

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