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[16 December 2015] Added OnProcessSpellAttack, OnProcessSpellCast

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For your ease, i have added two separate functions, which make a difference between auto-attacks and actual spells. (I am speaking about OnProcessSpell)


For example if you cast Jax[W] spell, "OnProcessSpellCast" will trigger, also your champ will gain a buff for a certain time.


After a bit, if you auto-attack, it will consume the [W] buff, but instead "OnProcessSpellAttack" will trigger, it will also trigger if you just do a normal auto-attack.







Some more info about the spellProc:


--spellProc.name = the name of the current spell cast (including autoattacks and such)
--spellProc.windUpTime = number holding the value of the required animation time for an attack to complete
--spellProc.animationTime = number holding the full animation time of an attack or spell (always greater than windUpTime)
--spellProc.castSpeed = proportional to "GetAttackSpeed(myHero);", returns the speed value of the casted spell or attack.
--spellProc.startPos.y = returns a VECTOR holding the starting position of the spell cast (often the same as GetOrigin(Object))
--spellProc.endPos.y = returns a VECTOR holding the ending position of the spell cast (often the same as GetOrigin(Object))
--spellProc.target = returns a pointer to a target if there is any (for example Ryze Q is skillshot without target, but his W does have target)
A small example:

if Object == GetMyHero() then
if Object == GetMyHero() then

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