This is the FeatureThread for Jayce - The Defender of Nubs.
Here you will find all Updates regarding this Script. Bugreports, Suggestions and Feedback go into the Mainthread
- Dynamic Combo
- Harass
- Non-Overkill Killsteal
- Cooldowntrackers for both Forms
- Anti-Gapclose
- Auto-Interrupt
- Skillfarm
- Make Cooldowntrackers not look like shiat
- Advanced logic with Damagecalc for swapping forms
You need Inspired v15 for this Script to work.
Your testscript1.lua should look like this, it will Autoload a script from me if its supported in the AIO. If not, you can put in any other Script you like without any Interference.
A Upvote and Thanks is much appreciated