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Community Made Scripts

Find any unverified and untested community made scripts in this section.


Global Rules

  Posted by DiabIo



Find any champion specific scripts here.

  • 66 topics
  • 6,707 replies
[OKAY✔️] Simple Marksmen AI... - last post by zgjfjfl


Find any utility scripts here which make your game easier.

  • 17 topics
  • 1,381 replies
Sussy Utils | Potions | Zho... - last post by 0xE0D59


In here you can find more detailed information about official libraries which are shipped with the Loader.

  • 13 topics
  • 95 replies
AzPriority | API and UI to... - last post by Aristo


In this section you can make a request for a specific script or champion to be created.

  • 613 topics
  • 2,251 replies
i remember there is one lua... - last post by C41T

Beta Scripts

Find any scripts here which have bugs, errors, crashes and need fixing, testing.

  • 62 topics
  • 1,497 replies
Flash Helper | April 26 - U... - last post by rake2k

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