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✮ Warding Assistant ✮ v0.1 RC 1✮

utility warding assistant vision wards support beta

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Warding Assistant is an utility script that displays circles in the most common warding places. Those circles can be used for automatic ward placement by pressing "Z" key while pointing at the desired spot. Wards placed by this script are located at the edges of the bushes to maximize granted vision. This script will use any available wards source including Sightstones and Trinkets.
This script is not a ported version of PerfectWard from L$ and eBoLa, this script has been written from scratch and it's dedicated to Gaming on Steroids. The only thing that comes from the other scripts are current safe wards coordinates that will be soon replaced by other - even better spots.


  • Circle colors depending on character of the spot (ie. Defensive, Offensive, Objective)
  • Support for extended cast range of trinkets via Scout mastery.
  • Support for pink wards.
  • More warding spots and safe ward spots.


  • Mouse hovering over the warding circle is not working properly on few warding spots. FIXED
  • Warding queue sometimes doesn't work when you queue few spots in close proximity.


  • Foxy4eva - For great Lua tutorial that showed me the basic concept of this language.
  • ilovesona - For showing me a great way to check wards status. Check out his Simple Ward Jump library here!
  • Truszcz - For keeping me company while I was checking the coordinates.
  • Darkness - For the idea of automatic warding on the nearest spot.
  • Foxy4eva, Zypppy, Cloud, ilovesona - For helping me on our shoutbox with a few scripting problems.


  • Don't forget to click rep_up.png Upvote button if you use or just like some of my scripts. It shows me how much my scripts are useful for this community and what kind of scripts should be my priority when coding new scripts. It also shows to the other people that they can always trust and rely on my scripts.
  • I greatly appreciate any donations via PayPal. Click here if you want to donate a poor support like me via any amount of gold for my Stealth Wards.
  • If you can't donate me, but you think that clicking upvote button is just not enough then just feel free to say few kind words about my script. It's great to know that someone very much appreciates your work and it's even better if he speaks openly about it! ^^




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Love the idea! I am the leader of a full premade team and can in this way easily let everyone know where to place their wards.


Maybe these images can help you.



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Good job buddy!

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Lamerino Thanks! It seems to me that the majority of these points have already been mapped in my script. However, dividing some of those spots into side-depended points and highlighting the most important spots it's very good idea. I'll add it to the to-do list.


FxMatthew Thank you! But still, my script requires a lot of refinement before it'll become an good-to-go script.

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Make it only appear for nearby 2500 range ward spots ^^

btw, when you press Z and it will auto ward nearest ward spot? (if not please do it that way or tell me the current way Kappa)

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btw, when you press Z and it will auto ward nearest ward spot? (if not please do it that way or tell me the current way Kappa)

No, you have to hover over a warding spot. The circle will turn red and you'll be able to press Z to place the ward. However, it's good idea to create "ward nearest spot" option.

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Great job!

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interestingly enough, breaks cloudaio

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Dunno if you have made the banner or just took it from google,but its awesome!

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gj dude you have my upvote ;)

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Script has been updated to version 0.2.5 0.2.6 Alpha. Major bug preventing from warding if trinket is on cooldown has been fixed.


@Cloud and @TheWelder - Thank you, :)


@sammytroll - Your suggested feature has been implemented! Thanks again for an idea!


Dunno if you have made the banner or just took it from google,but its awesome!

I found it on Google and I knew immediately that fits perfectly. :P


interestingly enough, breaks cloudaio

That's strange, both work perfectly for me. Can you tell me something more about this issue?

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    Sona's wife

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There is some problem in your find ward algorithm, you need check GetItemSlot return value instead just use it in CanUseSpell


check my ward jump lib if you need some idea(search findWardSlot function in source code)




I'm not fully test your script yet, but there is an important feature: put ward over wall, I don't think you have that feature(not see it in source code :illuminati: )









btw there is another nice project called "perfect ward", it's bol script, I'm consider to port it to gos.


but if you can do that it would be great. :lazy:



anyways nice work :)

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some time no drawing :3 and i cant ward. 

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Script has been updated to version 0.2.5 0.2.6 Alpha. Major bug preventing from warding if trinket is on cooldown has been fixed.

@Cloud and @TheWelder - Thank you, :)
@sammytroll - Your suggested feature has been implemented! Thanks again for an idea!

 Atleast ur honest Kappa

I found it on Google and I knew immediately that fits perfectly. :P

That's strange, both work perfectly for me. Can you tell me something more about this issue?

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@ Cat - Go home dude, you're drunk! 

There is some problem in your find ward algorithm, you need check GetItemSlot return value instead just use it in CanUseSpell

check my ward jump lib if you need some idea(search findWardSlot function in source code)



I'm not fully test your script yet, but there is an important feature: put ward over wall, I don't think you have that feature(not see it in source code :illuminati: )

btw there is another nice project called "perfect ward", it's bol script, I'm consider to port it to gos. but if you can do that it would be great. 


At first I wanted to port this script from BoL to GoS but eventually I decided to make my own from scratch. Moreover I'm going to outperform Perfect Ward in terms of features and usability. At the moment my Warding Assistant is still weak, but eventually it WILL be even better. At least I hope so...


And yes, there is no feature of throwing wards trough the walls yet, but I'm going to implement it shortly (maybe even today, but I can not guarantee anything).


Also thank you very much for your advice! Although the problem was already solved (but not committed) when you posted, you still showed me an great way to recreate my ward checking function. Now my code looks and works much better thanks to you :)


some time no drawing :3 and i cant ward. 

Yes, there was some oversight in the code but it should work just fine by now.

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0.3 Alpha Update has been realeased!


New feature: Placing "safe wards" over the walls!


Removed: Debug mode available from the settings.
Coming soon: Team-specific wards

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0.4 Beta Update has been released!

New features: 
  • Team-specific warding spots.
  • Unrecommended warding spots.
  • New topic design!
  • Range of spots visibility has been increased to 2500. 
  • Safe wards are no longer visible regardless of player configuration.
  • Purple team top tier 2 tower bush spots are now displayed properly.

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not working, the menu is working in game but no circles or drawings

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0.4.1 Beta Small Update
Fixed spots with inappropriate circle targeting on the river.


not working, the menu is working in game but no circles or drawings

You need Inspired.lua library to get this script running. Also, you need to have any ward source in your hero equip to see those circles, otherwise script will disable itself for performance reasons.

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didnt work with Dlib.lua.

cause of Circle class who are rewrite into DLIB.lua :/







edit : not your fault btw, i modify "Circle" occurence by "DLibCircle" into Dlib.lua

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: utility, warding, assistant, vision, wards, support, beta

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