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TrundleExpress v1.1 (updated Q & E)


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Going to start releasing many simple scripts for ext.


Orb's: IC's, default, eternal ( I find with mele IC works well)


Combo:  QWER (AA Rest w/ Q)

Harass: QWE   (AA Rest w/ Q)

Jungle: QW                        

Lane Clear: QW                               


Pillar logic to drop on other side of enemy

You can disable spells..I play without E but I left it on


Use activator if you want one




Give a rep_up.png if you like this script, or feedback





Change log:

1.1 Q & E distance checks pushed out






TRUS   :wub: 

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you a god thanks will test

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So just tested in a normal . worked pretty good. It didn't use combo in lane early game much when holding combo but mid-late game worked perfectly no problems. Will have to try it again later to see if there's any specific reason it wouldnt combo early game right.

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So just tested in a normal . worked pretty good. It didn't use combo in lane early game much when holding combo but mid-late game worked perfectly no problems. Will have to try it again later to see if there's any specific reason it wouldnt combo early game right.

Q has an aa check. so smack em 1st then q will fire and reset aa

W waits for Q state

E if left on auto will only go off if enemy outside mele range.(I would take off auto myself but some wont and it works most of the time)

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Q has an aa check. so smack em 1st then q will fire and reset aa

W waits for Q state

E if left on auto will only go off if enemy outside mele range.(I would take off auto myself but some wont and it works most of the time)

Thanks exactly right about all of that. Works really good. Appreciate it. Now i have a top champ n script to play when auto filled :)

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Actually it seems to not use skills sometimes. sometimes it wont use q at all.

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Actually it seems to not use skills sometimes. sometimes it wont use q at all.


Changed Q and E to loosen up on the restraints I put in place. I forget people don't play all the same way

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Yeah normally i dont use scripts on my main account which i havent been playing much the last month or two. its probably as high as its going to gt. so just have been messing around with scripts for fun. As for this, i was just trying out the harass and the combo feature both against bots and real people, and noticed that a lot of times it didnt do anything mid fight. thats all XD

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Parabéns, muito bom! Funciona perfeitamente!!!

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Parabéns, muito bom! Funciona perfeitamente!!!

Translation, "WORKS PERFECT!"

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lol cool, I haven't used this one since Sept but nothing has changed in game to break this one.. I have some cool ideas on this one though for the future. Pillar trix

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I'm playing in the jungle and I've always been the highlight of the matches, not always winning. Thank you so much for this.

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