Before requesting access, visit the shop to see if you're already verified and can see the cheat in there, if not - post here.

In order to get access to the shop and purchase GoS for PUBG, you need to be a trusted member and get the extra rank "Verified".
In the following order people will have highest priority and chance to being accepted as "Verified" members in order to get access to PUBG in the shop.
+VIP members which have donated, have PUBG for free, lifetime - as promised.
Donators, they have supported the site in the early stages and are auto-verified. (Simply ask for access)
Registered members before 13th of August which currently have GoS INT/EXT running subscription.
Registered members before 13th of August which have purchased GoS INT/EXT in the past, but now is expired.
Everybody else with a special rank (of some kind) in the forums which is registered before 13th of August.
Regular members registered before 13th of August and have never purchased GoS INT/EXT.
And everybody else which has registered after 13th of August (which was the announcement date) with a really low chance, no matter the rank.
A better chance of getting "Verified" would be if they have registered before 10th of October and have purchased GoS EXT/INT and have been active in the forums, their PayPal is not related to Germany.
Remember that I still hold the right to deny anyone willing to purchase without notice.
Remember that once you purchase PUBG, your account will be locked to your computer hardware.
Please post below if you want to request access!