Need access to the PubG section
Thank you, will happen in the near future when it becomes a little bit bigger as there are no posts now.
Need access to the PubG section
Hi, i would like to be please
i was donator before contri :thinking:
Hi Feretorix, I would like to request to become a verified member please.
Verify me
count your mid 2015 member in
Greetings, I expect to be verified. You know this job.
Requesting to be verified. Been member since early days, when GOS has been free for a while ( good old days ). Now purchased EXT VIP. I would appreciate if you count me in. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I'm from another script site. I hope verified.
My profile: https://forum.botofl...2386-kuroxneko/
Very active and made some script on there. I can pay with verified business paypal account.
If you need proof, please let me know.
Edited by KuroXNeko, 10 October 2017 - 06:11 .
Hello, count me in please.
Requesting to be verified. I'm a member since the beginning of the year and always a running subscription
You have been verified.
You've been denied. Please provide some proof that you're the same member as the one in Bank of London. Update your profile interests for example with PUBG.
You've been denied. Please take a picture of your Passport ID and a piece of paper and handwrite "PUBG for GOS" next to it. Send me a PM so nobody else sees it. Tell me if you have other accounts in other League scripting communities.
Add "Finding PUBG." on profile.
Edited by KuroXNeko, 10 October 2017 - 07:27 .
Waited pretty long for this I would like to be verified
Would like to be verified.
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