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    You donut

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I've requested about it a few times but nobody cared about it. One of the biggest problem about GoS Ext is that there's no stable evade. It's my  biggest wish. If you're seeing this post and you want a stable evade like me you can post here about it. If there's more requests it will be more useful. Thanks for your time.


Best regards.

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whats wrong with the one we have?

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First tell me what is wrong with the current evade?
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First tell me what is wrong with the current evade?


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whats wrong with the one we have?

lmao you beat me by 2 seconds
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    You donut

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First tell me what is wrong with the current evade?

That evade completely wrong.

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That evade completely wrong.

i used it last night and was working ok. Dodge lux and morg q lux e and r
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    You donut

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Sometimes it just walks into enemy and it causes to bad (more like random) skill using, it's not stable so sometimes it doesn't even tries to dodge, when it doesn't comply with champion scripts it causes to bad skill usage. In short it's completely broken and we need a new one, Meobeo doesn't fix it.

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Sometimes it just walks into enemy and it causes to bad (more like random) skill using, it's not stable so sometimes it doesn't even tries to dodge, when it doesn't comply with champion scripts it causes to bad skill usage. In short it's completely broken and we need a new one, Meobeo doesn't fix it.

things to consider, the script has to support evading, not the other way around. Walking into enemy will happen but that’s just evade. Any evade will do this sometimes. It’s all how to configure it.
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for me evade work good, and legit as ****, i love current evade, 

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Yeah same, I always liked this evade for more than 1 year now.
If you notice evade not detecting some spells, you can change your gos performance and increase missiles recatch rate and objects detection rate.
When evade uses bad spell it's cause the script is not compatible with it. So its cause of lazy developpers and this would be the same matter with another evade because gos ext uses emulates mouse clicks.

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    You donut

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Yeah same, I always liked this evade for more than 1 year now.
If you notice evade not detecting some spells, you can change your gos performance and increase missiles recatch rate and objects detection rate.
When evade uses bad spell it's cause the script is not compatible with it. So its cause of lazy developpers and this would be the same matter with another evade because gos ext uses emulates mouse clicks.

Thank you,i'll try

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