Supported Champions:
unzip and put this into your %appdata%/GamingOnSteroids folder
Auto-Update removed. so please re-download to get the update.
Best Answer Aristo , 03 April 2023 - 02:41
14AIO Crash issue is fixed! Thanks to Impuls
You can re-install my AIO thingy and get the scripts easily:
Go to the full post »
Supported Champions:
unzip and put this into your %appdata%/GamingOnSteroids folder
Auto-Update removed. so please re-download to get the update.
Super well organized and well written code! Thanks for all the effort you put into this community!
Thanks for your effort!
I'll add it to the DB.
support Champion Lulu Sivir Khazix Brand Amumu Nautilus Morgana Blitzcrank Vi Zilean Yasuo Orianna Leona Senna Thresh Ryze Kaisa Kayle Vayne Kindred Graves Jax Tristana Ashe Garen
My man, can you put up a list of the champs it supports? Thanks!!!
First release is Lulu.....My man, can you put up a list of the champs it supports? Thanks!!!
Thanks for your effort!
I'll add it to the DB.
PIN my thread XD
more scripts are comming
PIN my thread XD
more scripts are comming
Vote Up !!!!!PIN my thread XD
more scripts are comming
Ohhhhh, I thought this was an all in one of all the champs youve done till this point haha. My bad.
PIN my thread XD
more scripts are comming
Almost crying (tears of happiness ), any chance to keep improving 14Yasuo too? I look forward to the next releases and will test this script right now.
Almost crying (tears of happiness
), any chance to keep improving 14Yasuo too? I look forward to the next releases and will test this script right now.
Soon TM
sivir release.
with auto E spell block
I am testing Lulu and there is a bug with R (I think), even if you disable it to use itself, it tries to use on any other ally (apparently even though it is not below X% HP) and when this ally is not in your range, it ends up for using on herself.
I am testing Lulu and there is a bug with R (I think), even if you disable it to use itself, it tries to use on any other ally (apparently even though it is not below X% HP) and when this ally is not in your range, it ends up for using on herself.
Fixed. I forget to do the R range check on auto R if X enemy around.
I think the problem is cause by it.
Fixed. I forget to do the R range check on auto R if X enemy around.
I think the problem is cause by it.
Thanks for the fix
I will continue testing.
-Lulu v0.07
Mikael's Crucible support added
AIO v0.06
- Nautilus add
-Nautilus release
---Remake my old Nautilus script
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