Based On Sida's Auto Carry by
Basic Guide
The Orbwalker Has 4 modes: Combo,Harass,Laneclear,Lasthit
1- Combo:
This is the primary mode for attacking enemies, this is what you should use in fights
2- Harass:
This is a mix between Farming and Attacking enemies, it will lasthit and attack enemies depends on the priority, this is great for laning phase
3- Laneclear:
This is a lane push mode, useful for splitpush
4- LastHit:
this will Lasthit your minions perfectly taking everything into account
-Perfect Orbwalking:
-Supports Every Champ.
-Orbwalk with Max DPS.
-Detect and React to attack cancel.
-Stick To Target mode for melee champs : Stick to your target like a glue.
-Handles Obscure Champ Orbwalking like Kalista Dashes/Azir Soldiers
-Supports Channeling Spells : Holding Your Movements until you finish your spells ex : Katarina R
-Humanizer : Customizable, Limit The Movement Commands sent to server for a safer experience
-Orbwalk Towers
-LastHit Logic (HP Prediction and under turret logic)
-Clear with a single key
-Smart Prioritization: Attack larger monsters without losing the kill on smaller ones
-Target Selector:
-Almost Everything is Configurable..
-You can set-up the script Exactly how you like it
Download : Deftsu's Auto Carry.lua
_G.DAC_Init -- Orbwalker Initialized _G.DAC_Loaded -- Orbwalker Loaded _G.DACVersion -- Version LoadDAC() -- Will Load the Orbwalker DAC:Mode() -- return the 4 modes as string : "Combo", "Harass", "LaneClear", "LastHit" DAC:GetKillableMinion() -- return a Killable minion DAC:GetTarget() -- return the Current Target DAC:GetJungleClear() -- return a jungle mob (with current DAC jungle priority logic) DAC:LastAttacked() -- return the last attacked unit DAC:CanAttack(delay) -- return true/false if we can attack DAC:CanMove(delay) -- return true/false if we can move DAC:GetWindUp() -- return the WindUp time DAC:GetAnimationTime() -- return the Animation DAC:ResetAA() -- reset the orbwalker values DAC:StickEnabled(bool) -- Enable/Disable Stick To Target option DAC:MovementEnabled(bool) -- Enable/Disable the Movements DAC:AttacksEnabled(bool) -- Enable/Disable the Movements DAC:OrbwalkerEnabled(bool) -- Enable/Disable The Orbwalker DAC:IsJungleMinion(unit) -- return true/false if the unit a mob DAC:IsAttack(spellname) -- return true/false if the spellname is an Attack DAC:IsResetSpell(spellname) -- return true/false if the spellname is an AutoAttack Reset DAC.forcePos = Vec3D -- force a position for the orbwalker DAC:GetPredictedHealth(unit, delta) -- return predicted health after delta time DAC:GetDmg(source, target) -- return full AA damage from source to target DAC:GetProjectileSpeed(unit) -- return AA Projectile speed of unit