and again im sorry for being retarded. How do I load the tryndamere champion script?
I'll send you a PM. Let's move this convo there.
and again im sorry for being retarded. How do I load the tryndamere champion script?
I'll send you a PM. Let's move this convo there.
How do you enable Orbwalking?
How do you enable Orbwalking?
press shift ingame and explore your orbwalking keys (Default are : Space,X,V,C)
whats the bind to start orb walking I cant find it
whats the bind to start orb walking I cant find it
space, X, V, C, check them in your shift menu..
the autoattack cancel on champs and lasthit minnion autoattack cancel is sometimes so real
make it force AA sometimes pls defsu sempai
the autoattack cancel on champs and lasthit minnion autoattack cancel is sometimes so real
make it force AA sometimes pls defsu sempai
why aren't you using DAC:R ? :S
why aren't you using DAC:R ? :S
its not much better, still cancels a **** ton of aa
its not much better, still cancels a **** ton of aa
only for you :*
only for you :*
only me? talk to Logge
why aren't you using DAC:R ? :S
defsu sempai im using DAC:R all the time and AA cancel is sooo real :S
defsu sempai im using DAC:R all the time and AA cancel is sooo real :S
i'll check it out
i'll check it out
defsu sempai the AA cancel happens in combo and lasthit, but very very few times but still sometimes in critical moments like: i had a kata with 1 AA to kill but it canceled it twice xD
so i belive the error will be hard to find since it does crap only a very few times
defsu sempai the AA cancel happens in combo and lasthit, but very very few times but still sometimes in critical moments like: i had a kata with 1 AA to kill but it canceled it twice xD
so i belive the error will be hard to find since it does crap only a very few times
read the other thread (Deftsu's Auto Carry : Reborn)
when i press to last hit it always does 2 aa and i am evetually losing cs.. its perfect when turret hits or i have cait's headshot... what should i do?
add use item in combo mode ( yoummu, ruined, etc) ?
Edited by c0n0, 19 September 2017 - 08:41 .
what exactly is an orbwalker and dacr ? I'm struggling
i cant download this script
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