Getting These 2 Errors ... It Uses W And R In Harass/Combo But Nothing else it also last hits too
Ahri Champ i used
you are using 2 orbs at the same time..
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
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Getting These 2 Errors ... It Uses W And R In Harass/Combo But Nothing else it also last hits too
Ahri Champ i used
Oh Deftsu you're a god !
Always keep up a good work
I've read that Inspired needs to be updated manually. However I've noticed that if i delete inspired.lua the fill will redownload itself and update again. Which is true? And if I need to update inspired manually where is the file?
This will carry us to the glory!
and D3Carry wont be supported anymore, every chqmpion will be ported to this, and too much options/features/champions will be added by the time
Is this vs CopyCats? xD
I've read that Inspired needs to be updated manually. However I've noticed that if i delete inspired.lua the fill will redownload itself and update again. Which is true? And if I need to update inspired manually where is the file?
Is this vs CopyCats? xD
Nice work about fps, game running good now after lastest update.
Played Ahri yesterday against Swain and don't use W and E sometimes even in range and no minions.
Nice work about fps, game running good now after lastest update.
Played Ahri yesterday against Swain and don't use W and E sometimes even in range and no minions.
probably i did something wrong about OpenPredict
Geeeet nidalee on the list.
V0.04 Changelog:
-Added BlitzCrank
-Added Draven (yay )
-Added Jhin Sprites
-Fixed some bugs
-Improved fps (again )
-Better DAC/IOW Comptability
where are you Draven Lovers ?
i use your auto carry but there's no DEFT AUTO CARRY in my menu but there's a DAC in orbwalk submenu its that the same thing and sholud i delete the IOWLOADER in script folder? many thx
i use your auto carry but there's no DEFT AUTO CARRY in my menu but there's a DAC in orbwalk submenu its that the same thing and sholud i delete the IOWLOADER in script folder? many thx
delete IOWLoader and tick Deftsu's Auto Carry from your loader
where are you Draven Lovers ?
I am here, but I just read in the chat you found a bug -.-
So i dont actually need DAC for this? i can use IOW instead?
So i dont actually need DAC for this? i can use IOW instead?
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