how do i use the axe catcher for draven?
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Challenger Series v0.24 Multi Champion Support, Prediction, Orbwalker and more..

Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »
Posted 14 February 2016 - 10:01

Posted 14 February 2016 - 02:50

hold space it works, i seem to get an error nil value tho, doesnt seem to activate the q w e r etc but catches axes fine if i hold space
Posted 14 February 2016 - 03:25

Updated to v0.02:
-Rewritten from Scratch
-Predictions Fix
-Huge FPS Increase
-Fixed Draven Q Cast
-Added JungleClear Submenu
-Fancy Interrupter
Posted 14 February 2016 - 05:07

ChallengerSeries V0.01
DAC V0.08
Inspired V26
Playing on Ahri
Any idea whats causing this?
I have the same problemsame problem x)
Posted 14 February 2016 - 05:19

Posted 14 February 2016 - 05:50

Why removed Alistar though? Love it! lol
Posted 14 February 2016 - 05:56

are you guys using the latest update ? ..
Yeah today I tried using Ahri and I can last hit and wave clear but can't harrass or do combo on enemy champions with spells. I have spells enabled and I am using Gos Prediction.
The only error now is {OnDraw} [string "_GoSBase_.lua"]:619: attempt to call global 'Object' (a nil value)
Posted 14 February 2016 - 06:02

Can you provide a picture of your loader.exe with the ticked scripts?
Posted 14 February 2016 - 06:59

Can you provide a picture of your loader.exe with the ticked scripts?
Posted 14 February 2016 - 08:29

So i give up....
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index field 'IOW' (a nil value)
{OnDraw} [string "_GoSBase_.lua"]:619:attempt to call global 'Object'
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index field 'ValidTarget'(a nil value)
Version 0.02
And yes DAC is in common folder.
Yes i have Inspired v26.
Posted 14 February 2016 - 08:47

So i give up....
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index field 'IOW' (a nil value)
{OnDraw} [string "_GoSBase_.lua"]:619:attempt to call global 'Object'
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index field 'ValidTarget'(a nil value)
Version 0.02
And yes DAC is in common folder.
Yes i have Inspired v26.
use IOW orbwalker.. sadly Inspired didn't fix the orb yet ._.
Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:17

updated to v0.03:
-Added Vayne
-Improved the AntiGapcloser (looks a lot fancy in the menu) -- thanks to NameLoading for helping
Posted 14 February 2016 - 10:38

{OnTick}?;0:attempt to call a nil value
Posted 14 February 2016 - 11:18

Deftsu, i think i am in love
Posted 15 February 2016 - 12:28

ChallengerSeries V0.01
DAC V0.08
Inspired V26
Playing on Ahri
Any idea whats causing this?
I have the same problem
As there are a few people with the same problem/error as me, which is the one above quoted, there must be some misunderstanding going on.
Therefore I would like to request a simple Instruction post, which will surely guide everyone to a successfull workign script.
Lets do it with a clean install of the GoS Loader.
1. So the GoS Loader is installed (by pressing the install button) and all the stuff is being updated and downloaded.
2. You install the challengerseries script by pressing add to GoS button the website.
3. You select the script by marking the little empty box.
4. (At this point i go into the game and have them earlier mentioned errors.)
So can anyone pls fill this instruction guide for everyones sake xD
Posted 15 February 2016 - 12:51

Just tested Vayne everything works great but condemn doenst seem to work unless you have auto condemn on
Posted 15 February 2016 - 01:03

use IOW orbwalker.. sadly Inspired didn't fix the orb yet ._.
{OnDraw} [string "_GoSBase_.lua"]:619:attempt to call global 'Object' Still persist mate...No combo + drawings glitching.. None of predictions working (Ahri)
Posted 15 February 2016 - 01:47

are you guys using the latest update ? ..
Any idea to solve the problem ?
Posted 15 February 2016 - 10:03

{OnDraw} [string "_GoSBase_.lua"]:619:attempt to call global 'Object' Still persist mate...No combo + drawings glitching.. None of predictions working (Ahri)
Me too
Posted 15 February 2016 - 10:06

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