draven is really weird. half the time character randomly walks across map and doesnt catch axes when volding V, or C.
i know, it's not my script issue, wait for a GoS update
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »draven is really weird. half the time character randomly walks across map and doesnt catch axes when volding V, or C.
Vayne looking good! no more random missing condems in first game!
Whenever I get in a game I get Lol has stopped working, anyone else?
Thanks deftsu, GoS is awesome, Script is great! ( Except Draven it goes crazy )
Whenever I get in a game I get Lol has stopped working, anyone else?
Vayne looking good! no more random missing condems in first game!
Thanks deftsu, GoS is awesome, Script is great! ( Except Draven
it goes crazy )
we are all waiting for the GoS update, it's not my bad :S
Hey I tried it on lee sin and Vayne but it doesn't work properly, on Lee sin I can't recall because it only moves wherever the mouse clicker is pointing and on vayne I don't even proc the W with the third auto attack because it just focus other targets over and over again.
Would you ever consider adding a skin changer to the selected champions? would be dope
Would you ever consider adding a skin changer to the selected champions? would be dope
yes but when i'm free.
Why in Database shows that there is Ryze but when in game it showed that Ryze isn't support ?
Deftsu you can add ryze again? It is the Best ryze
after it's reworked and fixed yes.
Yo Hello m8's I am new with scripts so how I need to use them ? because when I press this link - https://raw.githubus...engerSeries.lua there is only letters and dont know how to pload :/ TY if u will help and will it work in 6.9 ?
Vayne script keep crashing my lol client :S
No error message its just crashing instantly (no bugsplat just no reaktion on lol client) often (it sometimes takes time till it crashes)
Vayne script keep crashing my lol client :S
No error message its just crashing instantly (no bugsplat just no reaktion on lol client) often (it sometimes takes time till it crashes)
what orbwalker ? does it happen without vayne script ? does it happen without vayne in general ?
How to I get draven to catch axes, he doesnt catch then under any circumstances
Many people have this issue on different scripts for example on my Kata in VIP.what orbwalker ? does it happen without vayne script ? does it happen without vayne in general ?
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