Hi all,
Since today I have an error when I press f6 twice to reload a script.
I've attached an image below with the error.
The first screenshot shows the error before reinstalling gos
The second screenshot shows the error, after deleting the 'Common' folder and redownloading/reinstalling GoS
Like I said before, the error only occurs when I reload a script ( by pressing 2x f6),
Hope someone can help.
Kind regards.
As mentioned earlier today @inspired. When clicking "stick to one target" you would get this error.
when i try to load a script for exsample the noddy miss fortune script then i get https://gyazo.com/6e...90c2ca43cce682d every time i join the match ALSO every time i click 2x F6 PLUS i get this repeatebly
guys try to check this one out...