Nevermind, it's an IPrediction issue
Best Answer Cloud , 23 January 2016 - 07:46
Lee Sin Version 1.3
ADDED BRAIN.LUA No longer requires download! (Check Source)
Usage of any possible ward! Including trinket after jungler item purchase!
Flash Insec! Latta speed bby (Manual Selection ATM)
Click K to change insec mode
Click N to change combo mode
Passive Manager -- ALPHA
Insec might fail ~10%
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Nevermind, it's an IPrediction issue
dont work
auto insec but no ally
Requires at least one ally on your team.
Tested it.. the ward jumps are really good but the q is a bit weird sometimes...
Edit: Maybe im doing something wrong but the automatic insec doesnt work for me :/
Okay i have tried to change the insec key and now its just using his q and his r without doing anything else
Might be my probalem but auto insec requires at least 1 ally
Can not upload the file, It does not appear in the menu
dont work
what doesn't work? Images?
Requires at least one ally on your team.
Might be my probalem but auto insec requires at least 1 ally
what doesn't work? Images?
with inspired v21
with inspired v21
worked for me seconds ago.
chileno pete
worked for me seconds ago.
so can you tell ne about you setting?
Mine was automatic insec with the manually downloaded version 21 of inspired and 1 ally and enemy.
I still dont understand it how 2 use, can anyone explain it detailed? I turned everything off except Insec and he is still ward/minionjumping without doing anything :S
I still dont understand it how 2 use, can anyone explain it detailed? I turned everything off except Insec and he is still ward/minionjumping without doing anything :S
Insec mode?
cloud I tried using insec here so that when I press the keyboard lee sin T button is not running and the insec and automatic kicks him so he does not know ward I have to press Z on the case?
cloud I tried using insec here so that when I press the keyboard lee sin T button is not running and the insec and automatic kicks him so he does not know ward I have to press Z on the case?
No, you need 1 or more allies in Automatic mode else just use manual mode.
then the case for me to play 5x5 I can use automatic leading from the right?
then the case for me to play 5x5 I can use automatic leading from the right?
as I do to use manual I tried the more he puts no ward and does not insec he is turning
Odd will check if reproducible
For auto insec, do i have to press T while pressing spacebar or just press T once ?
how to turn off insec mode
i change the hotkeys i dont use
but some time it will still ward automatically
Its in the insec settings....
For auto insec, do i have to press T while pressing spacebar or just press T once ?
Hold T and it will insec.
Cloud you have Team Viewer? i help me I'm trying to use insec so far not I use it manual. he did not put the ward he does not use the ult I'm confused please if you have team viewer to better support
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