I add script Ahri.lua:
require("Inspired") require("IWalk") require("IMenu") AddButton("Q", "Use Orb[Q]", true) AddButton("W", "Use Fox-Fire[W]", true) AddButton("E", "Use Charm [E]", true) AddButton("R", "Use Spirit Rush [R]", true) function AfterObjectLoopEvent(myHer0) IWalk() DrawMenu() AutoIgnite() myHero = myHer0 myHeroPos = GetOrigin(myHero) if GetKeyValue("Combo") then DrawText("KayazAhri now working",0,850,20,0xffff00ff); local target = GetCurrentTarget() if ValidTarget(target, 1000) then local EPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetMyHeroPos(),target,GetMoveSpeed(target),1550,250,1000,60,true,true) if GetButtonValue("E") then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and EPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot(_E,EPred.PredPos.x,EPred.PredPos.y,EPred.PredPos.z) end end local QPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetMyHeroPos(),target,GetMoveSpeed(target),2500,250,1000,100,false,false) if GetButtonValue("Q") then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and QPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot(_Q,QPred.PredPos.x,QPred.PredPos.y,QPred.PredPos.z) end end if GetButtonValue("W") then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _W) == READY then CastTargetSpell(myHero, _W) end end if GetButtonValue("R") then local mousePos = GetMousePos() if CanUseSpell(myHero, _R) == READY then CastSkillShot(_R,mousePos.x,mousePos.y,mousePos.z) end end end end end
And it don't call champion's name Keppo I add Ahri.lua in Common folder and in game I hold space but it don't combo