Error :
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to compare number with function
still works tho , but it lowers the fps ( ca. -20 )
EDIT : second error : {OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index a nil value
Best Answer Deftsu , 04 May 2016 - 06:20
v0.1 Update :
-Updated Smite for New Dragons
Go to the full post »Error :
{OnTick} ?:0: attempt to compare number with function
still works tho , but it lowers the fps ( ca. -20 )
EDIT : second error : {OnTick} ?:0: attempt to index a nil value
-Fixed Errors
Im try use this with Challenge Serie, Kalista, Dont use Botrk ;/
when i use activator with SxcS scripts i have problems afther combo champions just start to spam Q ability Q...soraka spam Q,,,corki spam Q...Jinx spam Q...when i start scripts alone it work fine
when i use activator with SxcS scripts i have problems afther combo champions just start to spam Q ability Q...soraka spam Q,,,corki spam Q...Jinx spam Q...when i start scripts alone it work fine
For the Activator script messing up other scripts (right now, I only have experience with SxcSAIO and Challenger Series but there MIGHT be more) is done when you combo with the champion for an extended period of time. Not sure how long, but it has always been when I have held down the space button for a long time.
The 'problem' is that the champion will constantly click Q. An example from SxcSAIO is Soraka, who keeps casting Q on the ground that she is on. An example from Challenger Series is Draven, who keeps spamming the Q key. There may be other champions I'm forgetting, but those two are the most prominent that come to mind.
Clicking F6 twice does NOT solve the problem. The problem continues.
Again, I'm not sure what causes this, so troubleshooting it may be complicated. This is all I have on this issue so far. It would be appreciated if you could fix this.
Can you fix it so that you won't use any potions when you are in base? It's annoying when you return to base and buy some potions and immediately use them in the fountain. Thanks.
Can you fix it so that you won't use any potions when you are in base? It's annoying when you return to base and buy some potions and immediately use them in the fountain. Thanks.
I suggest Auto potions OFF and in f7 choose autoheal potion by ur desired %
This doesnt work with draven it wont work for me
He is off?
guys what's not working exactly ? :S
Asks upgrade to v0.07 . How do I do?
v0.06 Update: Fixed Q Spam
Is this supposed to be happening every game?
When I double tap f6 is crashes or does nothing.
Also when I removed your activator from my selection of scripts, my FPS seems to have rised significantly, I think there may be an issue there as well as the loader dropping fps.
it says all the time v0.06 updated to v0.08 2xF6 if u do nothing it says the same.
sorry for my bad english im german, but i hope u can understand me
it says all the time v0.06 updated to v0.08 2xF6 if u do nothing it says the same.
sorry for my bad english im german, but i hope u can understand me
v0.07 Update:
-Fixed Youmuu's Ghotsblade Error
Its not working at all. I dont get any error or else problems its simply dont use barrier or Zhonyas. It uses the potions xD Dunno where the problem is.
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