Use this complete Code and it will work.
I have made it for myself!
--done by Laiha -- REWORKED-- //thanks to Inspired <3 require('Inspired') require('IWalk') require 'MapPositionGOS' --require('MapPosition') --put these libs in your COMMON --require('MapPosition_walls_1_1') --put these libs in your COMMON --require('MapPosition_bushes_1') --put these libs in your COMMON Config = scriptConfig("Gosu Vayne v1.4", "Gosu Vayne v1.4") Config.addParam("Q", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config.addParam("Activator", "Use Activator", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config.addParam("CA", "Condemn Auto", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Config.addParam("CC", "Condemn Combo", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Config.addParam("Debug", "Debug Mode", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) PrintChat("its funny how people can copy the script edit this and pretend they did it huh?") OnLoop(function(myHero) IWalk() for _, Targets in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local TargetPos=GetOrigin(Targets) local drawPos = WorldToScreen(1, TargetPos.x, TargetPos.y, TargetPos.z) -- Draw Position for AA Text local Damage = GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero) -- Damage without W extra Damage if GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) > 0 then -- Check if W is skilled if GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 1 then -- W Spell Level 1 Damage = 20 + (GetMaxHP(Targets) / 100 * 4) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)) elseif GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 2 then -- W Spell Level 2 Damage = 30 + (GetMaxHP(Targets) / 100 * 5) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)) elseif GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 3 then -- W Spell Level 3 Damage = 40 + (GetMaxHP(Targets) / 100 * 6) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)) elseif GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 4 then -- W Spell Level 4 Damage = 50 + (GetMaxHP(Targets) / 100 * 7) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)) elseif GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 5 then -- W Spell Level 5 Damage = 60 + (GetMaxHP(Targets) / 100 * 8) + (GetBaseDamage(myHero) + GetBonusDmg(myHero)) end end if GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) == 0 then DrawText((math.floor(GetCurrentHP(Targets) / Damage) + 0.0) .." AA to Kill", 20, drawPos.x, drawPos.y, 0xffffffff) elseif GetCastLevel(myHero, _W) >= 1 then -- W Spell Level 1 or higher DrawText((math.floor(GetCurrentHP(Targets) / Damage * 2) + 0.0) .." AA to Kill", 20, drawPos.x, drawPos.y, 0xffffffff) end end if KeyIsDown(0x20) then local unit = GetTarget(1000) AutoE() if ValidTarget(unit, 550) then local stacks= GotBuff(unit,"VayneSilveredBolts") if Config.Q then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and stacks>1 then local mousePos=GetMousePos() CastSkillShot(_Q,mousePos.x,mousePos.y,mousePos.z) end end --if GetButtonValue("E") then --AddGapcloseEvent(_E, 450, unit) --end --if GetButtonValue("E") then --if CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY and ((GetCurrentHP(myHero)/(GetMaxHP(myHero)/100))) < 26 then --CastTargetSpell(unit, _R) --end --end if Config.Activator then if GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)>0 then CastTargetSpell(unit, GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)>0 then CastTargetSpell(unit, GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)) end if GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)>0 then CastTargetSpell(unit, GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)) end end end --if GetButtonValue("Activator") then --CastItem(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,3140)) --CastItem(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,3149)) --end end end) AddGapcloseEvent(_E, 450, true) --IM THE FIRST ONE WHO DOES THAT , GIVE ME THE HONORS SLUTS AND USE CREDITS BEFORE I FKING RAPE YOU ******* --OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spell) --if unit and unit == myHero and spell then --if"attack") then --Table.noa=Table.noa+1 --if Table.noa > 3 then --Table.noa=0 --end --end --end --end) OnLoop(function(myHero) DrawMenu() local Q,W,E,R = 'Q','W','E','R' local mousex, mousey, mousez if Config.CA then AutoE() end if Config.Debug then local mousepos = GetMousePos() mousex=mousepos.x mousey=mousepos.y mousez=mousepos.z local mouse = WorldToScreen(1,mousepos.x,mousepos.y,mousepos.z) DrawText("X:" .. mousex,20,mouse.x+50,mouse.y,0xffff0000) DrawText("Y:" .. mousey,20,mouse.x+50,mouse.y+30,0xffff0000) DrawText("Z:" .. mousez,20,mouse.x+50,mouse.y+60,0xffff0000) local x,y,z =0 if MapPosition:inWall({x=mousex,y=mousey,z=mousez})==true then DrawText("Wall", 20,mouse.x+50,mouse.y+90,0xffff0000) DrawCircle(mousex,mousey,mousez,50,10,0,0xffff0000) elseif MapPosition:inWall({x=mousex,y=mousey,z=mousez})==false then DrawCircle(mousex,mousey,mousez,50,10,0,0xff00ff00) end end end) function AutoE() for _,unit in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if ValidTarget(unit,20000) then local enemyposx,enemyposy,enemypoz,selfx,selfy,selfz local distance1=24 local distance2=118 local distance3=212 local distance4=306 local distance5=400 --setting enemyPos-- local enemyposition = GetOrigin(unit) enemyposx=enemyposition.x enemyposy=enemyposition.y enemyposz=enemyposition.z local TargetPos = Vector(enemyposx,enemyposy,enemyposz) --setting coordinates myHero-- local self=GetOrigin(myHero) selfx = self.x selfy = self.y selfz = self.z local HeroPos = Vector(selfx, selfy, selfz) ------------------------------ local Pos1 = TargetPos-(TargetPos-HeroPos)*(-distance1/GetDistance(unit)) local Pos2 = TargetPos-(TargetPos-HeroPos)*(-distance2/GetDistance(unit)) local Pos3 = TargetPos-(TargetPos-HeroPos)*(-distance3/GetDistance(unit)) local Pos4 = TargetPos-(TargetPos-HeroPos)*(-distance4/GetDistance(unit)) local Pos5 = TargetPos-(TargetPos-HeroPos)*(-distance5/GetDistance(unit)) --Check if in Wall-- if MapPosition:inWall(Pos1)==false then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos1.x,Pos1.y,Pos1.z,20,10,0,0xffff0000) end elseif MapPosition:inWall(Pos1)==true then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos1.x,Pos1.y,Pos1.z,20,10,0,0xff00ff00) end DrawText("CONDEMN ME",enemyposx, enemyposy, enemyposz,0xffff0000) if GetDistance(unit)<=550 then CastTargetSpell(unit, _E) end end if MapPosition:inWall(Pos2)==false then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos2.x,Pos2.y,Pos2.z,20,10,0,0xffff0000) end elseif MapPosition:inWall(Pos2)==true then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos2.x,Pos2.y,Pos2.z,20,10,0,0xff00ff00) end DrawText("CONDEMN ME",enemyposx, enemyposy, enemyposz,0xffff0000) if GetDistance(unit)<=550 then CastTargetSpell(unit, _E) end end if MapPosition:inWall(Pos3)==false then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos3.x,Pos3.y,Pos3.z,20,10,0,0xffff0000) end elseif MapPosition:inWall(Pos3)==true then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos3.x,Pos3.y,Pos3.z,20,10,0,0xff00ff00) end DrawText("CONDEMN ME",enemyposx, enemyposy, enemyposz,0xffff0000) if GetDistance(unit)<=550 then CastTargetSpell(unit, _E) end end if MapPosition:inWall(Pos4)==false then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos4.x,Pos4.y,Pos4.z,20,10,0,0xffff0000) end elseif MapPosition:inWall(Pos4)==true then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos4.x,Pos4.y,Pos4.z,20,10,0,0xff00ff00) end DrawText("CONDEMN ME",enemyposx, enemyposy, enemyposz,0xffff0000) if GetDistance(unit)<=550 then CastTargetSpell(unit, _E) end end if MapPosition:inWall(Pos5)==false then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos5.x,Pos5.y,Pos5.z,20,10,0,0xffff0000) end elseif MapPosition:inWall(Pos5)==true then if Config.Debug then DrawCircle(Pos5.x,Pos5.y,Pos5.z,20,10,0,0xff00ff00) end DrawText("CONDEMN ME",enemyposx, enemyposy, enemyposz,0xffff0000) if GetDistance(unit)<=550 then CastTargetSpell(unit, _E) end end end end end
Thats the complete finished code inclusive Debugging for others to see how it works with the Wall!
Credit to Maxxel for WallFunc and Download