Zyra Flowers in laneclear mode you mean ? also Cait with E check is already added
Yes Zyra Flowers in laneclear.
Best Answer Aristo , 16 March 2018 - 02:57
Go to the full post »Zyra Flowers in laneclear mode you mean ? also Cait with E check is already added
Yes Zyra Flowers in laneclear.
scripts i think
Why would it be put in scripts if the original Auto Carry is put in commons?
v0.09 Update :
-Cleaned Code
-Rewritten Minion Manager
-Rewritten Target Selector (uses ChallengerCommon now)
-Improved Health Prediction for both LastHit and LaneClear
-Updated Shen Damage Values
-Circle Drawings Are Updated (Color, Range, Quality and Performance)
-LastHit Helper Drawing is updated to fit minion's hitbox
-better GetTarget functions (less loops)
-Fixed Orbwalking (after attack)
-Updated orbwalking conditions with some buffs (won't attack when blinded, won't move when rooted, won't attack/move when stunned...)
-Fixed HoldPosition (will send 1 command only)
Good job Keep up the hard work !
Good job Keep up the hard work !
thanks bud
Hi I must disable all the other integrated orbwalker and just turn that script on ? or i have to use ti with some settings?
I must disable all the other integrated orbwalker and just turn that script on ? or i have to use ti with some settings?
yes you have to disable every other orbwalker
fps dropping over time
fps dropping over time
will check it out :v
will check it out :v
will check it out :v
I am also having this problem
Hi Deftsu and congratz for your job.
I tested Graves with your DAC-R, but the script never aa with him.
Is the graves'aa added in your orbwalk ?
i'm platinum 3 legit. since i use script on this site i'm gold 3 .... full lose cuz placement is bad, dodge doesn't really work, the only think is good = last hit. all the other thing = useless
i'm platinum 3 legit. since i use script on this site i'm gold 3 .... full lose cuz placement is bad, dodge doesn't really work, the only think is good = last hit. all the other thing = useless
this script doesnt "dodge" for you
i'm platinum 3 legit. since i use script on this site i'm gold 3 .... full lose cuz placement is bad, dodge doesn't really work, the only think is good = last hit. all the other thing = useless
this is an orbwalker not for dodging.
Hi Deftsu and congratz for your job.
I tested Graves with your DAC-R, but the script never aa with him.
Is the graves'aa added in your orbwalk ?
ye i just noticed it, thanks for the feedback, will be fixed on the next "bikk" update
v0.1 Update (bikk) :
-Hardcoded ProjectileSpeeds and Windups and BaseAttackSpeed Values for a perfect orbwalking
-Reduced table loops (less lags)
-Rewritten Minion Manager (200% Less laggier)
-Added fast-kite option
-Improved TwistedFate orbwalking with cards on
-WindUp/AnimationTime calculations optimized
-Added loop breaks in some cases (less lags)
-Added MinionWait in LastHit Helper Drawing
-Finished HealthPrediction tweaks
-Updated Minion Execution Items Damage for 6.13
-Fixed Jinx Projectile Speed Change between minigun and rockets (for lasthit/laneclear)
-Fixed Windup/AnimationTime Calculations for Elise/Gnar in different forms
-Fixed A bug where the orbwalker values were resetted after killing a minion
-Added Under-Tower farming
-Optimized Getting Target in different modes
-Cleaned The Code (tables are 300% cleaned),
-Fixed Graves Orbwalking (not attacking)
-Fixed Thresh/Velkoz/Azir Orbwalking
-Overall Performance Improvments
-Added WaitForCannon
-Removed IsChanelling checks (stop being lazy and do it yourself )
-Updated Draven ProjectileSpeed
i cant understand how to harrass can someone create a guide how to use that gos how to use other scripts and stuff..
very bikk, many thanks
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