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Current GoS Situation...

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Dear Community, 


i'll be talking as a member of GoS Community and not as a staff, in my point of view, GoS is going on the same road since months, nothing is changed, no improvments, no activity.. And this is why me as a member of the community is going to say what no else could say or was willing to say..




i'll be talking about our staff in general and not exceptionally, we have 1 admin (idk why is Icesythe7 admin yet), 1 mod (the other 1 is retiring cause of this situation sadly..), 3 supports (even if those guys are underrated, they are doing their work well, respect for them   :bow: ) and 8 local supports (half inactive..).

the staff need to be more close to the community without abusing or acting like they are more special than a normal member, they should try to be active and helping people without censoring something because of self disagreement (hopefully i never saw that in our staff  :wub:), staff shouldn't be offensive and insulting members publicly and also having an off day doesn't mean you can overbear with your moderation, bans should be done for what damage the community and not because someone is new.

talking about script developpers now.. we are 9 devs, 1 is not active since 3rd March, no info on him, some of us are developping just for the sake of rank and not for the the community (that's the case if you see no activity after getting the rank), they even flame members/hide error posts..i don't blame those who have jobs or are busy with their real life, it's a pleasure if someone code in his free time just for the community  :).




2015, that was literally the last year i saw some random member talk to another without asking for support, like for real, the community is pretty dead, shoutbox and last topics are all about users asking for support, we as community should talk to each other, share opinions, give suggestions, any room for improvments is welcome, we need to be together so the community can grow up.. for example, designers could share some designs for new loader, or thread designs for scripters or even a menu design, everything is possible, just try to share something for the community and you'll be a good part of it  ;), we also need to report bugs instead of flaming or raging at the developpers because of 1 game.. 

we need to have more moderators, more supports, i can even apply for moderator rights if that's needed (considering i'm one of the active members if not the most active..)




the core needs a rewrite/optimizations, it's pretty bad to see someone with 300 fps drop down to 30-60 fps, it's really unplayable, also the loader needs some design updates in my opinion, the injector needs some fixing for getting path/injecting (especially for windows 8+), some people can't even inject (it hangs in loading screen or exactly after injecting, happens to me on my main pc..) and some people bugsplats randomly also (not full screen), and talking about ingame experience.. the fps drops are way big, also our event functions are all done through lua (lua callbacks) also the Object indexing which is too bad for the performance and they rather should be made in the core itself (dll), and the drawings are way too bad in my opinion, they looks like they are hand drawn and they drop too much fps.. i won't talk about the quality of scripts as you can't judge someone because he isn't experienced..




Feretorix, you should be more open to your community, talk with them, consider their opinions, since you decided to share your tool for public you should be kind of responsible of the forum and not just to update the tool, you are here for taking care of a whole community and trying to improve by their feedback/criticism also sharing your ideas/changes with them so they feel like they have a real admin that is sharing his time with them..




if you noticed, each month we are loosing one of our greatest members, we should learn from that and not continiue on the same road until we are dropping down the 0, we are doing it as hobby, it should be done for a pleasure and not self gain, it's not bad to get some money for your hard work, but don't make that money as your priority, rather the community satisfaction, that's all i had to say, feel free to give your opinion, i didn't make this for the drama  :popcorn: it's rather criticism/feedback, it's aimed for staff and especially Feretorix, i had to say that before.. but it doesn't matter, i hope that the message will be clear and understandable, with all the respect for the staff and the work that has been done  :)




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Thanks for the feedback on the staff team. I haven't discussed with Fere regarding the supports who just dont come here anymore due to whatever reason.

I agree with most of the post because the points stated are very valid, the community is sort of declining because we can't offer them more then what we are provided (i.e a fix for FPS) thus the core optimization is a must. As for drawings, i started work on that using a SharpDX wrapper I made but never managed to finish due to the lack of knowledge to fix a DLL error :( . As for the inactive dev, im not sure but i believe something critical happened to him. The day before he left we talked together normally which is odd. Lastly, to Feretorix, I believe it is true that you need to post some status updates on GoS updates and maybe*** make the GOSCORE.lua opensource so that devs/users can submit fixes/ new things. Thats my two cents.

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Perfect, glad someone said it. I haven't decided to write anymore scripts because honestly there are others that just don't like competition.. this is a huge problem with this community and developers, Hope it's fixed soon. Thank You Deftsu <3
by no means do I consider myself a developer, but, maybe one day  :)

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8 local supports (half inactive..)


agree with you. Second of Korean staff move to elobud and he got staff on there.


Need to change something.

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    Lord and Saviour of GoS

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Dear Community, 


i'll be talking as a member of GoS Community and not as a staff, in my point of view, GoS is going on the same road since months, nothing is changed, no improvments, no activity.. And this is why me as a member of the community is going to say what no else could say or was willing to say..




i'll be talking about our staff in general and not exceptionally, we have 1 admin (idk why is Icesythe7 admin yet), 1 mod (the other 1 is retiring cause of this situation sadly..), 3 supports (even if those guys are underrated, they are doing their work well, respect for them   :bow: ) and 8 local supports (half inactive..).

the staff need to be more close to the community without abusing or acting like they are more special than a normal member, they should try to be active and helping people without censoring something because of self disagreement (hopefully i never saw that in our staff  :wub:), staff shouldn't be offensive and insulting members publicly and also having an off day doesn't mean you can overbear with your moderation, bans should be done for what damage the community and not because someone is new.

talking about script developpers now.. we are 9 devs, 1 is not active since 3rd March, no info on him, some of us are developping just for the sake of rank and not for the the community (that's the case if you see no activity after getting the rank), they even flame members/hide error posts..i don't blame those who have jobs or are busy with their real life, it's a pleasure if someone code in his free time just for the community  :).




2015, that was literally the last year i saw some random member talk to another without asking for support, like for real, the community is pretty dead, shoutbox and last topics are all about users asking for support, we as community should talk to each other, share opinions, give suggestions, any room for improvments is welcome, we need to be together so the community can grow up.. for example, designers could share some designs for new loader, or thread designs for scripters or even a menu design, everything is possible, just try to share something for the community and you'll be a good part of it  ;), we also need to report bugs instead of flaming or raging at the developpers because of 1 game.. 

we need to have more moderators, more supports, i can even apply for moderator rights if that's needed (considering i'm one of the active members if not the most active..)




the core needs a rewrite/optimizations, it's pretty bad to see someone with 300 fps drop down to 30-60 fps, it's really unplayable, also the loader needs some design updates in my opinion, the injector needs some fixing for getting path/injecting (especially for windows 8+), some people can't even inject (it hangs in loading screen or exactly after injecting, happens to me on my main pc..) and some people bugsplats randomly also (not full screen), and talking about ingame experience.. the fps drops are way big, also our event functions are all done through lua (lua callbacks) also the Object indexing which is too bad for the performance and they rather should be made in the core itself (dll), and the drawings are way too bad in my opinion, they looks like they are hand drawn and they drop too much fps.. i won't talk about the quality of scripts as you can't judge someone because he isn't experienced..




Feretorix, you should be more open to your community, talk with them, consider their opinions, since you decided to share your tool for public you should be kind of responsible of the forum and not just to update the tool, you are here for taking care of a whole community and trying to improve by their feedback/criticism also sharing your ideas/changes with them so they feel like they have a real admin that is sharing his time with them..




if you noticed, each month we are loosing one of our greatest members, we should learn from that and not continiue on the same road until we are dropping down the 0, we are doing it as hobby, it should be done for a pleasure and not self gain, it's not bad to get some money for your hard work, but don't make that money as your priority, rather the community satisfaction, that's all i had to say, feel free to give your opinion, i didn't make this for the drama  :popcorn: it's rather criticism/feedback, it's aimed for staff and especially Feretorix, i had to say that before.. but it doesn't matter, i hope that the message will be clear and understandable, with all the respect for the staff and the work that has been done  :)




Very Well Said, GoS does need a lot of changes, I just hope Fere listens

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    Biggest Smite

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Perfect, glad someone said it. I haven't decided to write anymore scripts because honestly there are others that just don't like competition.. this is a huge problem with this community and developers, Hope it's fixed soon. Thank You Deftsu <3
by no means do I consider myself a developer, but, maybe one day  :)

i feel bad that you feel that way but i can see myself as well thats just the truth, but its sad that people like you don't make scripts for that reason anymore.


And Deftsu as i already said i totally agree. Good job and thanks for speaking out loud!



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nothing is ever going to change

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nothing is ever going to change


it better change...

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it better change...

it will change when i start liking plebs aka never thats how fere works and always worked,just like his previous projects gos will grow old. untouched and mediocre 

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I might not be the most active of the people around here, but I should also share my opinion.


One thing that's been a problem for a long time is the lack of dedication for the community. This includes all of us, the staff, me, the devs, the supports, and... Feretorix.

I suppose we only keep this active because it's gotten to be a part of our daily routine, the pleasure of coding something and receive feedback, improve, play together and #spam in Discord. 

For me GoS was the first community that at first it started to really shine, everyone was giving new ideas for improvement, designs, and I started to feel as in a new family. Unfortunately that light has started to dim, and it's gotten really pale lately. The impulse for a change has to come from the one and only Feretorix. We, the staff, don't have the power for this to happen, we only are here to keep the community alive. If we were to disappear, GoS would disappear with us. Remember the day when Prometheus was actually a thing? He wasn't a bad guy (can't remember the drama from 1 year ago exactly), at least I can remember the dedication he had shown for the community at the time. I don't really know Feretorix's living situation and can't really speak disrespectful of him, but something has be done, else, that light will soon fade out. 


The community good members are starting to get fewer and fewer, as Deftsu said, most of the new topics coming are about script bugs, requests, errors, and support. No new topics about improvement, no ideas, no things done for the community. I don't know the fix for this but I can propose something. What about a wipe? A total revamp of GoS, the community, the tool, the forum and, the staff. Feretorix should be more open for improvement and feedback. The GoS community is getting out of his hand, but, as always, he's not doing anything about it. I think I'm not the only one who wants to start fresh, professional and dedicated for a better community with better people. This may be a really bad thing to say, but for me, it's the truth. GoS is rotten and will soon decompose. I don't feel it can ever change, not like this. Start fresh or die.

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I might not be the most active of the people around here, but I should also share my opinion.


One thing that's been a problem for a long time is the lack of dedication for the community. This includes all of us, the staff, me, the devs, the supports, and... Feretorix.

I suppose we only keep this active because it's gotten to be a part of our daily routine, the pleasure of coding something and receive feedback, improve, play together and #spam in Discord. 

For me GoS was the first community that at first it started to really shine, everyone was giving new ideas for improvement, designs, and I started to feel as in a new family. Unfortunately that light has started to dim, and it's gotten really pale lately. The impulse for a change has to come from the one and only Feretorix. We, the staff, don't have the power for this to happen, we only are here to keep the community alive. If we were to disappear, GoS would disappear with us. Remember the day when Prometheus was actually a thing? He wasn't a bad guy (can't remember the drama from 1 year ago exactly), at least I can remember the dedication he had shown for the community at the time. I don't really know Feretorix's living situation and can't really speak disrespectful of him, but something has be done, else, that light will soon fade out. 


The community good members are starting to get fewer and fewer, as Deftsu said, most of the new topics coming are about script bugs, requests, errors, and support. No new topics about improvement, no ideas, no things done for the community. I don't know the fix for this but I can propose something. What about a wipe? A total revamp of GoS, the community, the tool, the forum and, the staff. Feretorix should be more open for improvement and feedback. The GoS community is getting out of his hand, but, as always, he's not doing anything about it. I think I'm not the only one who wants to start fresh, professional and dedicated for a better community with better people. This may be a really bad thing to say, but for me, it's the truth. GoS is rotten and will soon decompose. I don't feel it can ever change, not like this. Start fresh or die.



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    Biggest Smite

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I might not be the most active of the people around here, but I should also share my opinion.


One thing that's been a problem for a long time is the lack of dedication for the community. This includes all of us, the staff, me, the devs, the supports, and... Feretorix.

I suppose we only keep this active because it's gotten to be a part of our daily routine, the pleasure of coding something and receive feedback, improve, play together and #spam in Discord. 

For me GoS was the first community that at first it started to really shine, everyone was giving new ideas for improvement, designs, and I started to feel as in a new family. Unfortunately that light has started to dim, and it's gotten really pale lately. The impulse for a change has to come from the one and only Feretorix. We, the staff, don't have the power for this to happen, we only are here to keep the community alive. If we were to disappear, GoS would disappear with us. Remember the day when Prometheus was actually a thing? He wasn't a bad guy (can't remember the drama from 1 year ago exactly), at least I can remember the dedication he had shown for the community at the time. I don't really know Feretorix's living situation and can't really speak disrespectful of him, but something has be done, else, that light will soon fade out. 


The community good members are starting to get fewer and fewer, as Deftsu said, most of the new topics coming are about script bugs, requests, errors, and support. No new topics about improvement, no ideas, no things done for the community. I don't know the fix for this but I can propose something. What about a wipe? A total revamp of GoS, the community, the tool, the forum and, the staff. Feretorix should be more open for improvement and feedback. The GoS community is getting out of his hand, but, as always, he's not doing anything about it. I think I'm not the only one who wants to start fresh, professional and dedicated for a better community with better people. This may be a really bad thing to say, but for me, it's the truth. GoS is rotten and will soon decompose. I don't feel it can ever change, not like this. Start fresh or die.

Just from my personal situation what should the supports do more then? like we are overworking ourself to keep those "free users" happy and not bothering others.

Thanks for your opinion!

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Just from my personal situation what should the supports do more then? like we are overworking ourself to keep those "free users" happy and not bothering others.

Thanks for your opinion!

I'm not saying that you don't do your work. I'm saying that without you GoS would get rekt :D

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    still not banned :K

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I might not be the most active of the people around here, but I should also share my opinion.


One thing that's been a problem for a long time is the lack of dedication for the community. This includes all of us, the staff, me, the devs, the supports, and... Feretorix.

I suppose we only keep this active because it's gotten to be a part of our daily routine, the pleasure of coding something and receive feedback, improve, play together and #spam in Discord. 

For me GoS was the first community that at first it started to really shine, everyone was giving new ideas for improvement, designs, and I started to feel as in a new family. Unfortunately that light has started to dim, and it's gotten really pale lately. The impulse for a change has to come from the one and only Feretorix. We, the staff, don't have the power for this to happen, we only are here to keep the community alive. If we were to disappear, GoS would disappear with us. Remember the day when Prometheus was actually a thing? He wasn't a bad guy (can't remember the drama from 1 year ago exactly), at least I can remember the dedication he had shown for the community at the time. I don't really know Feretorix's living situation and can't really speak disrespectful of him, but something has be done, else, that light will soon fade out. 


The community good members are starting to get fewer and fewer, as Deftsu said, most of the new topics coming are about script bugs, requests, errors, and support. No new topics about improvement, no ideas, no things done for the community. I don't know the fix for this but I can propose something. What about a wipe? A total revamp of GoS, the community, the tool, the forum and, the staff. Feretorix should be more open for improvement and feedback. The GoS community is getting out of his hand, but, as always, he's not doing anything about it. I think I'm not the only one who wants to start fresh, professional and dedicated for a better community with better people. This may be a really bad thing to say, but for me, it's the truth. GoS is rotten and will soon decompose. I don't feel it can ever change, not like this. Start fresh or die.

Prometheus was a great guy in the beginning, then he started doing super shady stuff  like bringing devs who were absolute idiots and giving them moderator like powers ,asking for more and more access ,asking for gos source code,stealing stuff from other forums(even ****ing leaving water marks and even linking pictures from the forum),starting bat**** insane projects like virtual money on gos or nucleus aka give riot free info, wanting to make his own cheat while still "helping" around the forum and being an over prick 

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I'm not saying that you don't do your work. I'm saying that without you GoS would get rekt :D

Thanks a lot appreciated :)

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I might not be the most active of the people around here, but I should also share my opinion.


One thing that's been a problem for a long time is the lack of dedication for the community. This includes all of us, the staff, me, the devs, the supports, and... Feretorix.

I suppose we only keep this active because it's gotten to be a part of our daily routine, the pleasure of coding something and receive feedback, improve, play together and #spam in Discord. 

For me GoS was the first community that at first it started to really shine, everyone was giving new ideas for improvement, designs, and I started to feel as in a new family. Unfortunately that light has started to dim, and it's gotten really pale lately. The impulse for a change has to come from the one and only Feretorix. We, the staff, don't have the power for this to happen, we only are here to keep the community alive. If we were to disappear, GoS would disappear with us. Remember the day when Prometheus was actually a thing? He wasn't a bad guy (can't remember the drama from 1 year ago exactly), at least I can remember the dedication he had shown for the community at the time. I don't really know Feretorix's living situation and can't really speak disrespectful of him, but something has be done, else, that light will soon fade out. 


The community good members are starting to get fewer and fewer, as Deftsu said, most of the new topics coming are about script bugs, requests, errors, and support. No new topics about improvement, no ideas, no things done for the community. I don't know the fix for this but I can propose something. What about a wipe? A total revamp of GoS, the community, the tool, the forum and, the staff. Feretorix should be more open for improvement and feedback. The GoS community is getting out of his hand, but, as always, he's not doing anything about it. I think I'm not the only one who wants to start fresh, professional and dedicated for a better community with better people. This may be a really bad thing to say, but for me, it's the truth. GoS is rotten and will soon decompose. I don't feel it can ever change, not like this. Start fresh or die.

Well done.

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I know what you're guys talking about.


There are a lot of factors that happend in the past months which brought us here, the way we are.


The first downfall was when we rewrote the first (or second) menu to the next one and it was actually breaking all the scripts.


This way we got the "Archive" section with actually broken/unsupported scripts. http://gamingonstero...um/111-archive/



The second bigger downfall was when we included GoSBase.lua with even more wrapping C code in it, causing FPS lags and such, this downfall is also mixed with Inspired quitting (actually a forced quit).


Not to mention the other small issues, exactly as Deftsu mentioned, loader being unable to grab process path to inject into, all the countless events from which one could give bugsplats for people, but won't for others, how DownloadFileASync in LUA was crashing on hangup or how Deftsu once "destoryed" for a week GoS with one of his OrbWalkers because i wasn't online at that time to fix it.


And last but not least, do not forget that actually some people were banned from the game and they never came back.


Countless mistakes were made, and all those are due to my lack of knowledge or laziness at times, i would never blame anyone from my community which attempted to help in one way or another and actually felt contributing to it. But in the same when it was not done perfectly and could cause problems, those problems were affecting the community.








Right now i really want to shut down the lua part in GoS, and let it stay only with F7 menu, because with all the inbuilt stuff it's draining FPS, it could be orbwalkers, downloading sprites, updating, indexing minions, network ID's, and much more stuff like that.

That at the same time wouldn't be fair for the people who actually use scripts and the VIP members.





Instead i will release a mini project for league (it's a completely different project), it will be a lot more cleaner and smaller and way more secure, almost impossible to cause a ban.

It will be a second chance for scripting without being scared of getting suspended for it.

Also i will only keep clean scripts available for it to keep it higher quality. So there will be actually control over lua code.





Also i've planned a release for Rocket League really soon (days to be exact), some other for CSGO too and who knows, maybe even other games.




I am also okay if IceSythe7 releases a new scripting software for league. Anything will bring more fresh air to the place, i am still awaiting your suggestions and ideas.

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