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[Free] Challenger Evade v0.22

Best Answer Aristo , 16 March 2018 - 03:00


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Still have some troubles to dodge blitz Q most of spells are working fine but it dodges like 4/10 Q and sometimes gets hit at max range preventing me from moving away (I think manually I can dodge like 6/10)

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Still have some troubles to dodge blitz Q most of spells are working fine but it dodges like 4/10 Q and sometimes gets hit at max range preventing me from moving away (I think manually I can dodge like 6/10)

fast evade?

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Still have some troubles to dodge blitz Q most of spells are working fine but it dodges like 4/10 Q and sometimes gets hit at max range preventing me from moving away (I think manually I can dodge like 6/10)


yeah max range is fixed..

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For Kassadin R dodge, could you make an option where it dodges towards mouse cursor? Reason being, I want to make some sick outplays, for example, Yasuo tries to do sweeping Blade/Tornado, and you Teleport behind him, dodge his Knock up and getting more damage output.

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For Kassadin R dodge, could you make an option where it dodges towards mouse cursor? Reason being, I want to make some sick outplays, for example, Yasuo tries to do sweeping Blade/Tornado, and you Teleport behind him, dodge his Knock up and getting more damage output.


it actually prioritize your mouse cursor unless "Force Fast Dodge" is enabled in the skillshot :P

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it actually prioritize your mouse cursor unless "Force Fast Dodge" is enabled in the skillshot :P

Oh ok, but 1 question, does it mean I have to click in the direction, or just Cursor by default? For more explaining of what I mean, is I remember reading something of the Walking evade moves in the direction of your moving, is it the same with the Kassadin R?

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Oh ok, but 1 question, does it mean I have to click in the direction, or just Cursor by default? For more explaining of what I mean, is I remember reading something of the Walking evade moves in the direction of your moving, is it the same with the Kassadin R?


no you don't have to click, it just prioritize the closest safe pos for your cursor

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always gets hit by blitz Q while holding space, force fast evade on  FeelsBadMan

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    GoS Lover

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always gets hit by blitz Q while holding space, force fast evade on  FeelsBadMan


I don't mean anything but gosevade dodges Leona e and blitz q really well (dispite that they're very close to my champ)   :dogecry:

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I don't mean anything but gosevade dodges Leona e and blitz q really well (dispite that they're very close to my champ)   :dogecry:


well i tried as kata in very close range with Toshibiotro and it dodged fine..

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I have a problem with the Dodge for Kassadin, whenever he dodges, he just dodges a bit to the left in-order to dodge, not directly under my cursor. I was hoping if the script could directly under my cursor, not right beside the skill shot. For more explanation of what I mean is, whenever there's an in coming skill shot (I.e. Amumu Bandage toss, instead of dodging under my cursor, it'll just dodge in the direction of the cursor, just on the border of the Amumu bandage toss. I think this is bad, because it gets rid of the option for outplays with Kassadin dodging. I also have "Force Fast Evade" off on all the skillshots.

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I have a problem with the Dodge for Kassadin, whenever he dodges, he just dodges a bit to the left in-order to dodge, not directly under my cursor. I was hoping if the script could directly under my cursor, not right beside the skill shot. For more explanation of what I mean is, whenever there's an in coming skill shot (I.e. Amumu Bandage toss, instead of dodging under my cursor, it'll just dodge in the direction of the cursor, just on the border of the Amumu bandage toss. I think this is bad, because it gets rid of the option for outplays with Kassadin dodging. I also have "Force Fast Evade" off on all the skillshots.


well this is the point of dodging lol.. it will dodge the skillshot the skillshot only, it's not supposed to walk to your cursor, imagine your cursor being under turret, would you go to turret just because your mouse is there?

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well this is the point of dodging lol.. it will dodge the skillshot the skillshot only, it's not supposed to walk to your cursor, imagine your cursor being under turret, would you go to turret just because your mouse is there?


Well, is there anyway it could use Kassadin's R to dodge under you're cursor? I want to do sick outplays, but am Limited to it. I'm okay with the walking, it's just for the Kassadin Ulti I have a few problems with. If possible, could you also make it so if you're going to Kassadin Ulti into a another skill shot, it dodges it too? If this is possible, that would be AWESOME and easily the most user friendly evade script out there so far.

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Well, is there anyway it could use Kassadin's R to dodge under you're cursor? I want to do sick outplays, but am Limited to it. I'm okay with the walking, it's just for the Kassadin Ulti I have a few problems with. If possible, could you also make it so if you're going to Kassadin Ulti into a another skill shot, it dodges it too? If this is possible, that would be AWESOME and easily the most user friendly evade script out there so far.


i can probably add option to force dashes to cursor (only if it's safe obviously), but i need to update LoL first...

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i can probably add option to force dashes to cursor (only if it's safe obviously), but i need to update LoL first...

Thank you so much, this will help me out ALOT! +1 Deftsu (User Friendly)

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    GoS Lover

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well i tried as kata in very close range with Toshibiotro and it dodged fine..


while holding space? dodged only by walking?  :(

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Tried this in a bot game and it seemed to install since "Evade: On" but it wasn't dodging any of Brand's skillshots for some reason?

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while holding space? dodged only by walking?  :(


it dodged by both walk and wardjump or just jump on him :/

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Tried this in a bot game and it seemed to install since "Evade: On" but it wasn't dodging any of Brand's skillshots for some reason?


can you be more precise? i'm pretty sure it's working fine :s

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i can probably add option to force dashes to cursor (only if it's safe obviously), but i need to update LoL first...

Any news towards my request?

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