I wish I could but I dont understand it myself, I will give you an example. Lets say wukong ganks bottom lane, he E's to me and Jinx uses her W and E and they start attacking me. I start retreating to the tower meanwhile i am trying to kite using Attack Move. But whenever I attack move I do not attack, it does not let me.
Sometimes it goes away soon after wards or I have to kill myself. But no matter what happens I CANNOT attack. I think it is because the script disables attacks and spells while it is dodging spells and for some reason some spells do not leave the battlefield sometimes. So perhaps the script is registering a spell is being used or is near me idk. I dont know the script works so I wont speak on things I dont understand. All I know is that I switched back to GOS evade because this happened far too often for me, maybe once every 2-3 games.
Apart from this your script is superior by far, but dying every 2-3 because you cannot attack is annoying. I can still use spells, but for instance if i tried to attack a minion, my champion would just walk up to the minion and stand there. If i tried to attack the tower my champion would walk up to the tower and stand there. When I die and respawn I can attack again, sometimes after a few seconds I can attack again.
That is all the information I have.