No menu ? Best xerath script here, can U make better the combo and the ult please, and add a Menu please !! Waiting to play ranked with that
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Best Answer ilovesona , 02 January 2016 - 11:04
yup Q doesn't release, other than that great script!!
just test with newest DLib, everything work well
no error no update
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Posted 27 September 2015 - 06:27
Posted 27 September 2015 - 08:08
Tried and work great. How does the R logic work? Does R always try to hit the lowest health one within range? If I just want to hit someone, I need to click him and the circle appears, then I press R? How does R look humanized? It looks 100% possible fast speed but actually I don't care about humanized I want the fastest and best kills with R I don't care people say if I script I always pretend I don't know ha ha.
thx for feedback, i added some specification about TS and humanized, check the first post, hope they answered your question.
about the R cast speed, i can confirm you are wrong, if you want try "no delay" mode, i can add a menu to disable humanized
Posted 27 September 2015 - 08:09
No menu ? Best xerath script here, can U make better the combo and the ult please, and add a Menu please !! Waiting to play ranked with that
any suggestion about the option in menu? idk what option you need...
and what combo?
Posted 27 September 2015 - 10:23
Cuz I like to combo on "C" and its just combo on "space", its gonna be nice, option to change. I Really love this script, its just need more accuracy on the "W".
When someone use zhonya it continue ult in zhonya, and when get no vision stop ultimate, if u can fix that, it'll be the best xerath script of GoS, and xerath is the best champ to use script.
Posted 27 September 2015 - 10:44
Cuz I like to combo on "C" and its just combo on "space", its gonna be nice, option to change. I Really love this script, its just need more accuracy on the "W".
When someone use zhonya it continue ult in zhonya, and when get no vision stop ultimate, if u can fix that, it'll be the best xerath script of GoS, and xerath is the best champ to use script.
ok, so you want change combo key setting, i'll add it to menu(DLib menu for sure )
w pred is from GOS build-in pred system, sry i can't improve it
ult, it shouldn't cast it when target not targetable, maybe smth wrong with api, can you check that? and it's normal to stop cast when target is not visible, coz there is no way to know where he is
no vision = no pred = can't cast = gg
Edited by ilovesona, 27 September 2015 - 10:49 .
Posted 27 September 2015 - 11:11
Thanks, god 9/2/8 right now on a ranked. A menu to change combo key, and combo options for use QWE, WQE, etc.
Sometimes, the Q dont charge enough to get range of target, idk if this is a bug.
I know scripts not perfect, but this one is like 80%.
Another good option is like a Target Selector for all combos (Q,W,E,R)
1 - Combo targets with Low HP.
2 - If no targets with low HP on teamfight, combo the AP, ADC, not tankers.
Best Xerath Script ever.
Posted 27 September 2015 - 11:27
Thanks, god 9/2/8 right now on a ranked. A menu to change combo key, and combo options for use QWE, WQE, etc.
Sometimes, the Q dont charge enough to get range of target, idk if this is a bug.
I know scripts not perfect, but this one is like 80%.
Another good option is like a Target Selector for all combos (Q,W,E,R)
1 - Combo targets with Low HP.
2 - If no targets with low HP on teamfight, combo the AP, ADC, not tankers.
Best Xerath Script ever.
you mean 80% not in range or 80% work well?
TS is always has a low hp target(1800 hp < 2000hp ), but i'll change QWE TS to R TS
Posted 30 September 2015 - 05:00
2015.09.30: add menu, change QWE target selector to R target selector
Posted 30 September 2015 - 06:07
thx for feedback, i added some specification about TS and humanized, check the first post, hope they answered your question.
about the R cast speed, i can confirm you are wrong, if you want try "no delay" mode, i can add a menu to disable humanized
It would be great if you can add no delay mode.
Possible to add the Q distance option? I mean how far Q is "more" than the enemy distance so the enemy cannot easily just walk backward to dodge xerath Q.
Posted 30 September 2015 - 06:22
It would be great if you can add no delay mode.
Possible to add the Q distance option? I mean how far Q is "more" than the enemy distance so the enemy cannot easily just walk backward to dodge xerath Q.
ult without delay already implemented, but I don't recommended that....
for Q, it's GOS pred system problem, we might need better pred system
if you set the max range limit of Q, you will miss some kill...or is it what you want?
Edited by ilovesona, 30 September 2015 - 06:26 .
Posted 30 September 2015 - 06:56
ult without delay already implemented, but I don't recommended that....
for Q, it's GOS pred system problem, we might need better pred system
if you set the max range limit of Q, you will miss some kill...or is it what you want?
I is a function of one of the xearth scripts in Lsharp...anyway it is mainly the prediction issue as you said, if the prediction is good then it is not a big deal. I use the onekey xearth in Lsharp and its prediction is good then hit higher %....
Posted 01 October 2015 - 12:33
I is a function of one of the xearth scripts in Lsharp...anyway it is mainly the prediction issue as you said, if the prediction is good then it is not a big deal. I use the onekey xearth in Lsharp and its prediction is good then hit higher %....
In my opinion, you should press Q first and keep it for range you want, after that you press button combo, it will increase %! I always do it ! By the way, this script is awesome, it brings xerath come back to me )! I love it!
Posted 01 October 2015 - 12:47
For Q in the lane : Press the combo key one time, wait till range get in the target and press combo key again.
For Q in the TeamFight : If your target is on the Min. distance, just continue pressing combokey and he will combo QWE.
This script is awesome !
Posted 01 October 2015 - 03:02
I is a function of one of the xearth scripts in Lsharp...anyway it is mainly the prediction issue as you said, if the prediction is good then it is not a big deal. I use the onekey xearth in Lsharp and its prediction is good then hit higher %....
if you find any script/addon/assembly without this problem, send me the download link plz
Posted 07 October 2015 - 06:56
I love this script, it making me to get Diamond.
Have some suggestions for it :
1 - Ult can be casted on :
Automatic (Will cast R every time has a low HP target), with delays (slow, medium, fast).
Semi-Auto (Will cast R every time you press it), with delays (slow, medium, fast).
Manual (Tap when you want R 1 by 1, like a manual delay), and its gonna solve the Zhonya, Elise, invulnerability problems.
2 - Kill steal Q (If in low range), W, E.
3 - For humanizer on ultimate, dont target 2 enemys on high distance, for example (one target on red, died in one "R" and another target on mid, its change the target very fast and people can see its a script).
4 - A option to select what target you want to ult, like a first custom hit next to target you want. It can solve the suggestion 3.
Thanks iLoveSona for the good support, I use it everyday so want to make it be a legendary script
Posted 07 October 2015 - 07:31
I love this script, it making me to diamond.
Have two suggestions for it :
1 - Ult can be casted on (slow, medium, fast).
2 - Ult can be casted on: custom hitchance, on tap key (U tap first on target), automatic full .
3 - Kill steal Q (If in low range), W, E.
4 - For humanizer on ultimate, dont target 2 enemys on high distance, for example (one target on red, died in one "R" and another target on mid, its change the target very fast and people can see its a script).
Thanks, its the best script ever.
1.i'll add a fully custom delay time for it, ex: 0ms~2000ms
2.i'm sry but there is no hit chance in GOS built-in pred system, only 0(can not hit) and 1(can hit)
3.what's different if you just press combo key? fact i already add this feature....seems it's still fast to you, nvm
i'll add smth like 1.
Posted 07 October 2015 - 07:49
Sorry I have edited too much But its all to be a perfect and human script.
Posted 07 October 2015 - 08:24
I love this script, it making me to get Diamond.
Have some suggestions for it :
1 - Ult can be casted on :
Automatic (Will cast R every time has a low HP target), with delays (slow, medium, fast).
Semi-Auto (Will cast R every time you press it), with delays (slow, medium, fast).
Manual (Tap when you want R 1 by 1, like a manual delay), and its gonna solve the Zhonya, Elise, invulnerability problems.
2 - Kill steal Q (If in low range), W, E.
3 - For humanizer on ultimate, dont target 2 enemys on high distance, for example (one target on red, died in one "R" and another target on mid, its change the target very fast and people can see its a script).
4 - A option to select what target you want to ult, like a first custom hit next to target you want. It can solve the suggestion 3.
Thanks iLoveSona for the good support, I use it everyday so want to make it be a legendary script
1. auto cast R is a bad idea, you'll put yourself in danger if you are between the enemy team want a menu with 1~5 priority for enemies?
btw, just post a new post, i can't get notification if you edit old post
Edited by ilovesona, 07 October 2015 - 08:25 .
Posted 07 October 2015 - 08:57
About Auto its not really good.
But about Manual, just use "R" when press R, like, Press one time, then wait your manual delay, and press 2, then delay and press 3 like your own delay, its gonna be perfect for Zhonya, Aatrox, Elise, Le Blanc Copy etc.
And about enemy priority its gonna be a nice idea for late games, but with a option to Activate/Desactivate this feature.
Posted 07 October 2015 - 09:20
About Auto its not really good.
But about Manual, just use "R" when press R, like, Press one time, then wait your manual delay, and press 2, then delay and press 3 like your own delay, its gonna be perfect for Zhonya, Aatrox, Elise, Le Blanc Copy etc.
And about enemy priority its gonna be a nice idea for late games, but with a option to Activate/Desactivate this feature.
yes, manual is good, i'm talking about "auto".
and i think it's good enough with current ts(lowest hp), i never focus tank if any AD/AP in my spell range
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