I need some lib or program to work?
Inspired bundle with IAC and in testscript1.lua add require('CloudAIO')
I need some lib or program to work?
Inspired bundle with IAC and in testscript1.lua add require('CloudAIO')
Help me pls i've put
require('Inspired') require('IAC') require('CloudAIO')
But it's still nothing
ty nice ^^
Help me pls
i've put
require('Inspired') require('IAC') require('CloudAIO')But it's still nothing
i don't understand ..
i don't understand ..
I Quot your SS, i have the same problem.
no menu :3 why not show the menu
- Nidalee Script not work!
- Nidalee Script not work!
Working on it.
Any Fixes on Ekko ???
Syndra Update by me if u like:
errors to fix by you: Ulti function u write CastTargetSpell(myHero, _R) have to be CastTargetSpell(unit, _R) to cast it on enemies.
ive added a Stun Combo (Q-E) with hotkey here is the code to add:
First line to add after "Config.addParam("R", "Use R", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)":
Config.addParam("Stun", "Press to Stun", SCRIPT_PARAM_KEYDOWN, string.byte("Q"))
Add anywhere in the Script:
local unit = GetCurrentTarget() local myHeroPos = GetOrigin(myHero) DrawCircle(myHeroPos.x,myHeroPos.y,myHeroPos.z,1200,2,0,0xffff0000) if Config.Stun then if ValidTarget(unit,1200) then local timea local distanceStun=0 if timea~=nil and CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) ~= READY and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) ~= READY then timea=nil end ---Values--- local enemyposition = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetMyHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1700,250,1200,50,true,true) enemyposx=enemyposition.PredPos.x enemyposy=enemyposition.PredPos.y enemyposz=enemyposition.PredPos.z local TargetPos = Vector(enemyposx,enemyposy,enemyposz) if GetDistance(unit)>=700 then distanceStun=GetDistance(unit)-700 end if GetDistance(unit)<700 then distanceStun=0 end local firePos = TargetPos-(TargetPos-myHeroPos)*(distanceStun/GetDistance(unit)) local dPredict = GetDistance(myHero,firePosPoint) ---Values end--- if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and timea==nil then if dPredict < 1200 then CastSkillShot(_Q,firePos.x,0,firePos.z) timea = GetTickCount() end end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and timea~=GetTickCount() then CastSkillShot(_E,firePos.x,0,firePos.z) end end Move() end function Move() local movePos = GenerateMovePos() if GetDistance(GetMousePos()) > GetHitBox(myHero) then MoveToXYZ(movePos.x, 0, movePos.z) end end
What it does, while holding stun key it will do predicted stun if possible.
Did this fast cuz i needed it for a game, worked well for me.
it still the same
i dont have any errors.
How about using the Script as mentioned?
Name the script CloudAIO.lua
and edit testscript1.lua with a require'CloudAIO'
i dont have any errors.
How about using the Script as mentioned?
Name the script CloudAIO.lua
and edit testscript1.lua with a require'CloudAIO'
your script just about syndra not nidalee
Help me pls
i've put
require('Inspired') require('IAC') require('CloudAIO')But it's still nothing
Me too fix pls
Awesome man, thanks!
Just only require('CloudAIO')
not with iac and inspired?
Updating in a few mins errors will be fixed and all scripts should load after this.
Syndra Update by me if u like:
errors to fix by you: Ulti function u write CastTargetSpell(myHero, _R) have to be CastTargetSpell(unit, _R) to cast it on enemies.
ive added a Stun Combo (Q-E) with hotkey here is the code to add:
First line to add after "Config.addParam("R", "Use R", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true)":
Config.addParam("Stun", "Press to Stun", SCRIPT_PARAM_KEYDOWN, string.byte("Q"))Add anywhere in the Script:
local unit = GetCurrentTarget() local myHeroPos = GetOrigin(myHero) DrawCircle(myHeroPos.x,myHeroPos.y,myHeroPos.z,1200,2,0,0xffff0000) if Config.Stun then if ValidTarget(unit,1200) then local timea local distanceStun=0 if timea~=nil and CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) ~= READY and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) ~= READY then timea=nil end ---Values--- local enemyposition = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetMyHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1700,250,1200,50,true,true) enemyposx=enemyposition.PredPos.x enemyposy=enemyposition.PredPos.y enemyposz=enemyposition.PredPos.z local TargetPos = Vector(enemyposx,enemyposy,enemyposz) if GetDistance(unit)>=700 then distanceStun=GetDistance(unit)-700 end if GetDistance(unit)<700 then distanceStun=0 end local firePos = TargetPos-(TargetPos-myHeroPos)*(distanceStun/GetDistance(unit)) local dPredict = GetDistance(myHero,firePosPoint) ---Values end--- if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and timea==nil then if dPredict < 1200 then CastSkillShot(_Q,firePos.x,0,firePos.z) timea = GetTickCount() end end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and timea~=GetTickCount() then CastSkillShot(_E,firePos.x,0,firePos.z) end end Move() end function Move() local movePos = GenerateMovePos() if GetDistance(GetMousePos()) > GetHitBox(myHero) then MoveToXYZ(movePos.x, 0, movePos.z) end endWhat it does, while holding stun key it will do predicted stun if possible.
Did this fast cuz i needed it for a game, worked well for me.
Thanks man will be added and credits will be given.
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